diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 074d0194fecf09dd1a526a5446e149e6094483ae..b9c6a02dca607ecb015b67f31f9df874ea4b2175 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/README b/README
index ee645d2ad69a2c76e462cf277de65a0ee8a26e22..29b3761852c47f5cdb5d5932c28ff62ac85b92cc 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
 Projeto utilizando ElasticSearch + Kibana na tentativa de auxiliar a transparência da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).
-Árvore de Diretórios:
+O projeto contém dados referentes a:
+- Servidores da UFPR
+- Gastos Diretos da UFPR
+Árvore de Diretórios:
-├── Dados_Servidores - Contém uma diretório para cada mês.
-│   ├── 2016-12 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Dezembro de 2016.
-│   ├── 2016-11 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Novembro de 2016.
-│   ├── ...
-│   └── Processados - Diretório que contém CSVs resultantes da união de CSVs do portal transparência.
-├── config.json.example - Exemplo de arquivo do diretório 'configs'.
-├── logstash_configs - Diretório com arquivos de configuração do Logstash para inserção de dados no Kibana/ElasticSearch.
-├── logstash_config.example - Exemplo de arquivo do diretório 'logstash_configs'. É usado pelo script 'create_config.py' para gerar o arquivo de configuração do logstash.
-├── create_config.py - Script que cria arquivos de configuração que ficam contidos nos diretórios 'configs' e 'logstash_configs'.
-├── resumo_cadastro.sh - Script que filtra dados do CSV de Cadastro do Portal Transparência, selecionando dados das Universidades interessantes para este projeto.
-├── merge_files_es.py - Script que usa um arquivo de configuração do diretório 'configs' para unir dois CSVs (Cadastro e Remuneração) do portal transparência em um só e salvá-lo no diretório Dados_Servidores/Processados
-└── insert_data.sh - Script que gerencia os outros scripts.
+├── data - Contém uma diretório para cada mês.
+│   ├── workers - Contém dados de Servidores do Portal Transparência (obtidos em http://www.portaldatransparencia.gov.br/downloads/servidores.asp#exercicios2016).
+│   │   ├── 2016-12 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Dezembro de 2016.
+│   │   ├── 2016-11 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Novembro de 2016.
+│   │   ├── ...
+│   │   └── processed - Diretório que contém CSVs resultantes da união de CSVs do portal transparência.
+│   │
+│   └── expenses - Contém dados de Gastos do Portal Transparência (obtidos em http://www.portaldatransparencia.gov.br/downloads/servidores.asp#exercicios2016).
+│       ├── 2016-12 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Dezembro de 2016.
+│       ├── 2016-11 - Diretório que contém os CSVs referentes a Novembro de 2016.
+│       ├── ...
+│       └── processed - Diretório que contém CSVs resultantes da união de CSVs do portal transparência.
+├── configs - Contém arquivos de configuração gerados por scripts.
+│   ├── workers - Contém arquivos de configuração de Servidores.
+│   │   ├── JSON - Contém arquivos de configuração no formato JSON, usados pelo script merge_files_es.py.
+│   │   └── logstash - Contém arquivos de configuração para o logstash.
+│   │
+│   └── expenses - Contém arquivos de configuração de Gastos.
+│       └── logstash - Contém arquivos de configuração para o logstash.
+└── scripts - Contém scripts que auxiliam no projeto.
+    ├── workers - Contém scripts para gerenciar dados de Servidores.
+    ├── expenses - Contém scripts para gerenciar dados de Gastos.
+    └── curl - Contém scripts que auxiliam na utilização do curl.
diff --git a/add_registers.sh b/add_registers.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 57be7675ef56d2d481b0eefb24c6a78047b85378..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/add_registers.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <user> <password>"
-	exit
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 02 29 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 01 31 $1 $2
diff --git a/insert_register_payment.sh b/insert_register_payment.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 342fe79a16c0d81d3a6b411d3f812c8afd064544..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/insert_register_payment.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <year> <month> <day> <user> <password>"
-	echo "Example: $0 2016 12 01"
-	exit
-./create_config.py $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
-./merge_files_es.py configs/config-${1}-${2}.json
-logstash -f logstash_configs/config-${1}-${2} < ~/transparencia/Dados_Servidores/Processados/${1}${2}.csv
diff --git a/resumo_cadastro.sh b/resumo_cadastro.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 532d79104cc69d79a12c7503a7e5192004bbbd48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resumo_cadastro.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Setembro 2016
-if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <path> <date>"
-	exit
-echo "Processing data with args = ${path} and ${date}"
-# About this command:
-# - Sed wraps fields in double quotes.
-# - Grep removes everyone that does not work in UFPR.
-# - Cut selects the important columns.
-# - Uniq removes repeated values.
-# - Tr removes null characters (ctrl + @).
-# Get data from all universities.
-#cat $input | egrep --binary-files=text "(UNIVERSIDADE FED*|Id_SERVIDOR_PORTAL	NOME)" | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^\|$/"/g' -e 's/\t/"\t"/g' | tr -d '\000' > $output
-# Get data only from UFPR, and wraps it in double quotes (").
-# cat $input | egrep --binary-files=text "(UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANA|Id_SERVIDOR_PORTAL	NOME)" | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^\|$/"/g' -e 's/\t/"\t"/g' | tr -d '\000' > $output
-# Same as above, but does not wrap data in double quotes (").
-cat $input | egrep --binary-files=text "(UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANA|Id_SERVIDOR_PORTAL	NOME)" | tr -d '\000' > $output
diff --git a/scripts/curl/get.sh b/scripts/curl/get.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37afe71b492b9927e2ae36117fee9199b80a4820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/curl/get.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Input: The name of a file containing a curl query.
+# Output: The output for the curl query.
+if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <query-file>"
+	exit
+query=$(cat $1)
+echo curl -u cw14:123mudar -XGET node1.c3sl.ufpr.br:9200/ufpr-servidores-*/_search?pretty -d \'"$query"\'
diff --git a/scripts/rename_index.sh b/scripts/curl/rename_index.sh
similarity index 77%
rename from scripts/rename_index.sh
rename to scripts/curl/rename_index.sh
index 5fcdbc2e79711d6ca89a3e79f47345e3084f515f..3afc4fbd282d858fbd10ed9df0d75343b4ba0dbb 100755
--- a/scripts/rename_index.sh
+++ b/scripts/curl/rename_index.sh
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# Input: Kibana/ElasticSearch's user and password and two index names: the script will rename the index with the first name to the second one.
 if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
     echo "Usage: $0 <user:password> <old-index> <new-index>"
     echo "Example: $0 myuser:mypass ufpr-csv-2016-11 ufpr-servidores-2016-11"
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/README b/scripts/expenses/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e37c4de03f715ab8c34063286b8c3a8eb7670222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/expenses/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The easiest way to insert expenses data is to use 'insert_expenses.sh'.
+Script's input: Year, month and day from the data to be inserted, ElasticSearch's user and password. The day should be the last day of the month.
+Example: ./insert_expenses.sh 2016 10 31 myuser mypass
+Example 2: ./insert_expenses.sh 2014 11 30 myuser mypass
+The other script's will be called by 'insert_expenses.sh' correctly.
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/add_expenses.sh b/scripts/expenses/add_expenses.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2435a53a2e36900a00aabd1ceb9dc5d27421e829..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/expenses/add_expenses.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <user> <password>"
-	echo "Example: $0 myuser mypass"
-	exit
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 02 29 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2016 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2015 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2014 01 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 12 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 11 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 10 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 09 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 08 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 07 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 06 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 05 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 04 30 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 03 31 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 02 28 $1 $2
-./insert_expenses.sh 2013 01 31 $1 $2
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/create_expenses_config.py b/scripts/expenses/create_expenses_config.py
index 3f6ac7fdbca7bbb402b179403e8bd4e68694090c..a40f90735e2863be17e56236dd755098b29b9adf 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/create_expenses_config.py
+++ b/scripts/expenses/create_expenses_config.py
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
+# WARNING: This script should not be called directly. Look at 'insert_expenses.sh' before calling this script.
+# This script is used to create a Logstash Config file.
+# Input: year, month and day, ElasticSearch's username and password.
 import sys, csv, json, math, subprocess
 from pathlib import Path
 from subprocess import call
@@ -16,5 +22,5 @@ output = example % { "timestamp": sys.argv[3] + '/' + sys.argv[2] + '/' + sys.ar
 					 , "user": sys.argv[4]
 					 , "password": sys.argv[5] }
-with open('logstash_configs/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2], 'w') as outfile:
+with open('../../configs/expenses/logstash/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2], 'w') as outfile:
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/insert_expenses.sh b/scripts/expenses/insert_expenses.sh
index 900c96779d0b883948ffa5d09de917e156f7071a..a826346ee77c18cdb2179bfed074e0180ea0ede7 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/insert_expenses.sh
+++ b/scripts/expenses/insert_expenses.sh
@@ -1,10 +1,51 @@
+# This script is the one that should be called to insert data from one month.
+# Input: Year, month and day from the data to be inserted, ElasticSearch's user and password. The day should be the last day of the month.
+# Example: ./insert_expenses.sh 2016 10 31 myuser mypass
+# It has 4 steps:
+#   1- Download files and put them in the right location.
+#   2- Generate logstash config file via create_expenses_config.py.
+#   3- Generate a CSV with only UFPR data via resume_expenses.sh, which is stored in transparencia/data/expenses/processed/year-month.csv
+#   4- Insert data in ElasticSearch via logstash, using the config file created and the CSV created by resume_expenses.sh.
+# Output: The commands/scripts outputs.
 if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]; then
 	echo "Usage: $0 <year> <month> <day> <user> <password>"
 	echo "Example: $0 2016 12 31 myuser mypass"
+if [ ! -d "$dataPath" ]; then
+	mkdir "$dataPath"
+if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then
+	mkdir "$path"
+# Step 1:
+# Create directory to store files
+mkdir $path$ym
+# Download files
+curl -o $path$ym/${1}${2}_GastosDiretos.zip $request -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Referer: http://transparencia.gov.br/downloads/mensal.asp?c=GastosDiretos' -H 'Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDAQRABSAD=OJDLNBCANLIDINCHJHELHHFB; ASPSESSIONIDAQSDCQAD=BOKBKPNCDKOBJKGAMMEKADFL; _ga=GA1.3.1927288562.1481545643; ASPSESSIONIDSCSBBTCD=IGJLJBBCEEJBGLOOJKGNMHBH' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed
+# Unzip them
+unzip $path$ym/${1}${2}_GastosDiretos.zip -d $path$ym/
+# Remove zip file
+rm $path$ym/${1}${2}_GastosDiretos.zip
+# Step 2:
 ./create_expenses_config.py $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
-logstash -f logstash_configs/config-${1}-${2} < ~/transparencia/Favorecidos/Processados/${1}${2}.csv
+# Step 3:
+./resume_expenses.sh ../../data/expenses/ ${1}-${2}
+# Step 4:
+logstash -f ../../configs/expenses/logstash/config-${1}-${2} < ../../data/expenses/processed/${1}${2}.csv
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/process_expenses.sh b/scripts/expenses/process_expenses.sh
index 1e3ca452e01ad9bfd31c5ad4cee1e50e28606135..b158da8b6d474b95d2f8d41b28f09f22f68f824b 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/process_expenses.sh
+++ b/scripts/expenses/process_expenses.sh
@@ -1,76 +1,64 @@
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2016-01
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-12
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2015-01
+# WARNING: This script should not be called unless the database is erased. Its still here for 2 reasons:
+# 1- Log: To know what months of data have been inserted.
+# 2- Example: To give example of how to call script insert_expenses.sh.
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-12
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2014-01
+# This script only calls insert_expenses for all years and months.
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-12
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2013-01
+if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <user> <password>"
+	echo "Example: $0 myuser mypass"
+	exit
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-12
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2012-01
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 11 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 10 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 09 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 08 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 07 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 06 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 05 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 04 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 03 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 02 29 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2016 01 31 $1 $2
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-12
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-11
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-10
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-09
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-08
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-07
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-06
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-05
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-04
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-03
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-02
-./resumo_gastos.sh ../../Favorecidos/ 2011-01
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 12 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 11 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 10 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 09 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 08 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 07 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 06 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 05 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 04 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 03 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 02 28 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2015 01 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 12 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 11 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 10 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 09 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 08 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 07 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 06 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 05 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 04 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 03 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 02 28 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2014 01 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 12 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 11 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 10 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 09 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 08 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 07 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 06 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 05 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 04 30 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 03 31 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 02 28 $1 $2
+./insert_expenses.sh 2013 01 31 $1 $2
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/resume_expenses.sh b/scripts/expenses/resume_expenses.sh
index 319a7e0e3407ee1fc0f0acce95a6db8779f1f3dc..7ffe50f2f52d6f80d82e6ee74d4d10bdab387f2d 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/resume_expenses.sh
+++ b/scripts/expenses/resume_expenses.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
-# Setembro 2016
-# Path example: ../../Favorecidos/
+# WARNING: This script should not be called directly. Look at 'insert_expenses.sh' before calling this script.
+# Input: First parameter is the path to data files and the second one is the date in the name of the files. Data files can be found in: http://transparencia.gov.br/downloads/mensal.asp?c=GastosDiretos
+# Example: ./resume_expenses.sh ../../data/expenses/ 2016-11
+# Output: A CSV file in folder processed, filtering the data to get only relevant data (in our case, from UFPR).
+# Path example: ../../data/expenses/
 # Date example: 2016-11
@@ -14,7 +22,7 @@ fi
 echo "Processing data with args = $path and ${date}"
 # About this command:
 # - Grep removes everyone that does not work in UFPR.
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/unzip.sh b/scripts/expenses/unzip.sh
index 922585b844c2aea6defaef16b1062486c0bbfd0e..56e917fb9399d2a12e08df19eb736d0c4494620c 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/unzip.sh
+++ b/scripts/expenses/unzip.sh
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
-echo Running with args $1 and $2
+# This scripts gets a zip file in ~/Downloads, moves it to a folder in path (probably transparencia/data/expenses), unzips it and removes the zip file.
-mkdir ${path}$1
-mv ~/Downloads/$2_GastosDiretos.zip ${path}$1
-unzip ${path}$1/$2_GastosDiretos.zip
-mv ${path}$2_GastosDiretos.csv ${path}$1
-rm ${path}$1/$2_GastosDiretos.zip
+# Input: Date (year and month, separated by hyphen).
+# Ex: ./unzip.sh 2015-12
+if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
+	echo "Usage $0 <date>"
+	exit
+mkdir $path$date
+mv ~/Downloads/$dateWithoutHyphen_GastosDiretos.zip $path$date
+unzip $path$date/$dateWithoutHyphen_GastosDiretos.zip
+mv $path$dateWithoutHyphen_GastosDiretos.csv $path$date
+rm $path$date/$dateWithoutHyphen_GastosDiretos.zip
diff --git a/scripts/expenses/unzipCaller.sh b/scripts/expenses/unzipCaller.sh
index 4d49afe0a5f19d2a6eaa819ede51fec78325958f..ec6088adb8331d0c29381a6db90df8e50b4e9d52 100755
--- a/scripts/expenses/unzipCaller.sh
+++ b/scripts/expenses/unzipCaller.sh
@@ -1,66 +1,68 @@
-./unzip.sh 2015-12 201512
-./unzip.sh 2015-11 201511
-./unzip.sh 2015-10 201510
-./unzip.sh 2015-09 201509
-./unzip.sh 2015-08 201508
-./unzip.sh 2015-07 201507
-./unzip.sh 2015-06 201506
-./unzip.sh 2015-05 201505
-./unzip.sh 2015-04 201504
-./unzip.sh 2015-03 201503
-./unzip.sh 2015-02 201502
-./unzip.sh 2015-01 201501
+# This script only calls unzip.sh for all months.
-./unzip.sh 2014-12 201412
-./unzip.sh 2014-11 201411
-./unzip.sh 2014-10 201410
-./unzip.sh 2014-09 201409
-./unzip.sh 2014-08 201408
-./unzip.sh 2014-07 201407
-./unzip.sh 2014-06 201406
-./unzip.sh 2014-05 201405
-./unzip.sh 2014-04 201404
-./unzip.sh 2014-03 201403
-./unzip.sh 2014-02 201402
-./unzip.sh 2014-01 201401
+./unzip.sh 2015-12
+./unzip.sh 2015-11
+./unzip.sh 2015-10
+./unzip.sh 2015-09
+./unzip.sh 2015-08
+./unzip.sh 2015-07
+./unzip.sh 2015-06
+./unzip.sh 2015-05
+./unzip.sh 2015-04
+./unzip.sh 2015-03
+./unzip.sh 2015-02
+./unzip.sh 2015-01
-./unzip.sh 2013-12 201312
-./unzip.sh 2013-11 201311
-./unzip.sh 2013-10 201310
-./unzip.sh 2013-09 201309
-./unzip.sh 2013-08 201308
-./unzip.sh 2013-07 201307
-./unzip.sh 2013-06 201306
-./unzip.sh 2013-05 201305
-./unzip.sh 2013-04 201304
-./unzip.sh 2013-03 201303
-./unzip.sh 2013-02 201302
-./unzip.sh 2013-01 201301
+./unzip.sh 2014-12
+./unzip.sh 2014-11
+./unzip.sh 2014-10
+./unzip.sh 2014-09
+./unzip.sh 2014-08
+./unzip.sh 2014-07
+./unzip.sh 2014-06
+./unzip.sh 2014-05
+./unzip.sh 2014-04
+./unzip.sh 2014-03
+./unzip.sh 2014-02
+./unzip.sh 2014-01
-./unzip.sh 2012-12 201212
-./unzip.sh 2012-11 201211
-./unzip.sh 2012-10 201210
-./unzip.sh 2012-09 201209
-./unzip.sh 2012-08 201208
-./unzip.sh 2012-07 201207
-./unzip.sh 2012-06 201206
-./unzip.sh 2012-05 201205
-./unzip.sh 2012-04 201204
-./unzip.sh 2012-03 201203
-./unzip.sh 2012-02 201202
-./unzip.sh 2012-01 201201
+./unzip.sh 2013-12
+./unzip.sh 2013-11
+./unzip.sh 2013-10
+./unzip.sh 2013-09
+./unzip.sh 2013-08
+./unzip.sh 2013-07
+./unzip.sh 2013-06
+./unzip.sh 2013-05
+./unzip.sh 2013-04
+./unzip.sh 2013-03
+./unzip.sh 2013-02
+./unzip.sh 2013-01
-./unzip.sh 2011-12 201112
-./unzip.sh 2011-11 201111
-./unzip.sh 2011-10 201110
-./unzip.sh 2011-09 201109
-./unzip.sh 2011-08 201108
-./unzip.sh 2011-07 201107
-./unzip.sh 2011-06 201106
-./unzip.sh 2011-05 201105
-./unzip.sh 2011-04 201104
-./unzip.sh 2011-03 201103
-./unzip.sh 2011-02 201102
-./unzip.sh 2011-01 201101
+./unzip.sh 2012-12
+./unzip.sh 2012-11
+./unzip.sh 2012-10
+./unzip.sh 2012-09
+./unzip.sh 2012-08
+./unzip.sh 2012-07
+./unzip.sh 2012-06
+./unzip.sh 2012-05
+./unzip.sh 2012-04
+./unzip.sh 2012-03
+./unzip.sh 2012-02
+./unzip.sh 2012-01
+./unzip.sh 2011-12
+./unzip.sh 2011-11
+./unzip.sh 2011-10
+./unzip.sh 2011-09
+./unzip.sh 2011-08
+./unzip.sh 2011-07
+./unzip.sh 2011-06
+./unzip.sh 2011-05
+./unzip.sh 2011-04
+./unzip.sh 2011-03
+./unzip.sh 2011-02
+./unzip.sh 2011-01
diff --git a/scripts/workers/README b/scripts/workers/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..190ab41c8aca88dff24f803dc11c0a77df907aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/workers/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The easiest way to insert expenses data is to use 'insert_register_payment.sh'.
+Script's input: Year and Month from CSV file, ElasticSearch's user and password.
+Example (inserting data from file 20130930_Cadastro.csv): ./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 09 myuser mypassword
+If you want to look at more examples, check add_registers.sh.
+The other script's will be called by 'insert_register_payment.sh' correctly.
diff --git a/scripts/workers/add_registers.sh b/scripts/workers/add_registers.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..957a2a7c5856240c292f3fcabab3d2002f2f374d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/workers/add_registers.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# WARNING: This was used to insert data, and should not be executed again (unless someone deleted the whole database).
+# Input: Kibana/ElasticSearch's user and password.
+# Output: Nothing, if it executes correctly. It will insert csv's from http://www.portaldatransparencia.gov.br/downloads/servidores.asp, from 2013-01 to 2016-11.
+if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <user> <password>"
+	exit
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 11 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 10 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 09 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 08 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 07 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 06 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 05 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 04 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 03 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 02 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2016 01 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 12 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 11 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 10 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 09 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 08 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 07 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 06 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 05 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 04 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 03 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 02 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2015 01 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 12 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 11 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 10 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 09 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 08 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 07 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 06 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 05 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 04 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 03 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 02 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2014 01 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 12 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 11 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 10 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 09 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 08 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 07 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 06 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 05 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 04 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 03 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 02 $1 $2
+./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 01 $1 $2
diff --git a/config.json.example b/scripts/workers/config.json.example
similarity index 100%
rename from config.json.example
rename to scripts/workers/config.json.example
diff --git a/create_config.py b/scripts/workers/create_config.py
similarity index 51%
rename from create_config.py
rename to scripts/workers/create_config.py
index 7aa5709199a6031b23f378e591d694b26e5b3f33..5e5f74f7a5bedda9d46c1b460703e14831708bf1 100755
--- a/create_config.py
+++ b/scripts/workers/create_config.py
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
+# WARNING: This script should not be called if you dont know what you're doing! Look for 'insert_register_payment.sh'.
+# Input: Year, month and day from a CSV file, username and password.
+# Ex (inserting data from file 20130930_Cadastro.csv): ./create_config.py 2013 09 30 myuser mypassword
+# Output: This script will create two config files:
+#    - JSON: This config will be used for script merge_files_es.py, and will be stored in transparencia/configs/workers/JSON, with its name being config-year-month.
+#    - Logstash: This config will be used by logstash to insert the resulting CSV from merge_files_es.py into ElasticSearch.
 import sys, csv, json, math, subprocess
 from pathlib import Path
 from subprocess import call
@@ -9,7 +17,7 @@ if len(sys.argv) != 6:
 data = {
-	"path": "Dados_Servidores/" + sys.argv[1] + "-" + sys.argv[2] + "/"
+	"path": "../../data/workers/" + sys.argv[1] + "-" + sys.argv[2] + "/"
 	, "date": sys.argv[1] + sys.argv[2] + sys.argv[3]
 	, "file1": "_Remuneracao.csv"
 	, "file2": "_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv"
@@ -18,10 +26,10 @@ data = {
 	, "quotechar": "\""
 	, "delimiter": "\t"
 	, "lineterminator": "\n"
-	, "outputFile": "Dados_Servidores/Processados/" + sys.argv[1] + sys.argv[2] + ".csv"
+	, "outputFile": "../../data/workers/processed/" + sys.argv[1] + sys.argv[2] + ".csv"
-with open('configs/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2] + '.json', 'w') as outfile:
+with open('../../configs/workers/json/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2] + '.json', 'w') as outfile:
     json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
 if int(sys.argv[1]) <= 2014 or (int(sys.argv[1]) == 2015 and int(sys.argv[2]) <= 3):
@@ -36,5 +44,5 @@ output = example % { "timestamp": sys.argv[3] + '/' + sys.argv[2] + '/' + sys.ar
 					 , "user": sys.argv[4]
 					 , "password": sys.argv[5] }
-with open('logstash_configs/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2], 'w') as outfile:
+with open('../../configs/workers/logstash/config-' + sys.argv[1] + '-' + sys.argv[2], 'w') as outfile:
diff --git a/scripts/workers/insert_register_payment.sh b/scripts/workers/insert_register_payment.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b06efd8e53160492d57faadec13e8117694edc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/workers/insert_register_payment.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Script to help using other scripts. Note that calling it to a data that has already been inserted will DUPLICATE it (which we probably dont want).
+# This scripts does 4 things:
+#   1- Download required files and store them in the right place.
+#   2- Create config files via create_config.py
+#   3- Merge CSV data and create a new CSV file via merge_files_es.py.
+#   4- Insert CSV file generated in step 2 into ElasticSearch via Logstash.
+# Input: Year, Month from CSV file, ElasticSearch's user and password.
+# Example (inserting data from file 20130930_Cadastro.csv): ./insert_register_payment.sh 2013 09 myuser mypassword
+# If you want to look at more examples, check add_registers.sh.
+# Output: The same output as the scripts and commands called.
+# WARNING: We get the day from the CSV file by using cut in characters 7 and 8. This means we assume they will write something like 01 as day 1. If they change it to 1, this script will not work!
+if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <year> <month> <user> <password>"
+	echo "Example: $0 2016 12 myuser mypassword"
+	exit
+# Check if Data and Workers directories already exist:
+if [ ! -d "$dataPath" ]; then
+	mkdir "$dataPath"
+if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then
+	mkdir "$path"
+# Step 1:
+# Create directory to store files
+mkdir $path$ym
+# Download files
+curl -o $path$ym/${1}${2}_Servidores.zip $request -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_    64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Referer: http://www.portaldatranspar    encia.gov.br/downloads/servidores.asp' -H 'Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDAQRABSAD=OJDLNBCANLIDINCHJHELHHFB; ASPSESSIONIDAQSDCQAD=BOKBKPNCDKOBJKGAMMEKADFL; _ga=GA1.3.1927288562.1481545643; ASPSESSIONIDSCSBBTCD=IGJLJBBC    EEJBGLOOJKGNMHBH' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed
+# Unzip them
+unzip $path$ym/${1}${2}_Servidores.zip -d $path$ym/
+# Remove zip file
+rm $path$ym/${1}${2}_Servidores.zip
+# Get day
+day=$(ls $path$ym | grep -m 1 $1$2 | cut -c 7,8)
+# Step 2:
+# Create config files
+./create_config.py $1 $2 $day $3 $4
+# Step 3:
+# Start processing
+./merge_files_es.py ../../configs/workers/json/config-${1}-${2}.json
+# Step 4:
+# Insert data in ElasticSearch
+logstash -f ../../configs/workers/logstash/config-${1}-${2} < ../../data/workers/processed/${1}${2}.csv
diff --git a/logstash_config.example b/scripts/workers/logstash_config.example
similarity index 100%
rename from logstash_config.example
rename to scripts/workers/logstash_config.example
diff --git a/logstash_config_2013.example b/scripts/workers/logstash_config_2013.example
similarity index 100%
rename from logstash_config_2013.example
rename to scripts/workers/logstash_config_2013.example
diff --git a/merge_files_es.py b/scripts/workers/merge_files_es.py
similarity index 67%
rename from merge_files_es.py
rename to scripts/workers/merge_files_es.py
index 8cb001556dffb5ec0bd63a91fab1925f630c1535..6dccc2471b8a343402ffa278f76a5a8a4a68f81a 100755
--- a/merge_files_es.py
+++ b/scripts/workers/merge_files_es.py
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-Versão feita visando inserção no ElasticSearch.
-Isso significa que eu vou escrever TODOS os dados que eu achar do segundo arquivo, mas do primeiro arquivo só escrevo os que estiverem no segundo.
+# WARNING: This script should not be called if you dont know what you're doing! Look for 'insert_register_payment.sh'.
+# Script made to create a CSV that will be inserted in ElasticSearch.
+# This script is being used to merge two files: a Remuneration report (ex: 20161031_Remuneracao.csv) with a file that contains the Portal ID from UFPR people
+# (ex: 20161031_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv). This second file can be obtained filtering a Register report (ex: 20161031_Cadastro.csv) using resume_register.sh.
-Recebe como parâmetro um arquivo de configuração, no mesmo formato que o exemplo.
+# Input: A configuration file, in the same format as the example. This configuration file can be generated by create_config.py.
-Documentação do config.json.example:
-file1 and file2 are the files that will be merged.
-The variables that end with number 1 represent something in the first file and the ones that one with 2 represent the same thing in the second file.
-idColumn represent the common column in both files.
-columnsToAdd1 are the ids of the columns that will be printed in the output file.
-	We might want to add columns 4, 13, 16 and 22 in columnsToAdd2, but this does not work right now.
-delimiter is the CSV's delimiter.
-lineterminator is the CSV's line terminator.
-outputFile is the name of the output file.
-notFoundFile is the name of a file with errors: they represent columns that were in one file but not in the other. In this case, notFoundFile1 are the columns that are in the second file but not in t    he first file.
+# Documentation of config.json.example:
+# - Variables ending with number 1 represent something from the first file, while the ones that end with number 2 represent the same thing in the second file.
+# - File1 and File2 are the files that will be merged. File1 name is "*_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv", File2 name is "*_Remuneracao.csv".
+# - IdColumn1 and IdColumn2 represent the common column for each CSV (Ex: an ID column).
+# - Quotechar, Delimiter and LineTerminator are the CSV's quote char, delimiter and line terminator, respectively.
+# - OutputFile is the name of the output file (the result CSV).
-Nesse momento, ele tá sendo usado pra unir dois arquivos: um relatório de Remuneração (ex: 201610_Remuneracao.csv) com um arquivo que contém o ID do portal das pessoas da UFPR.
-Esse segundo arquivo pode ser obtido a partir da filtragem do arquivo de Cadastros (ex: 201610_Cadastros.csv). A filtragem é feita com o resumo_cadastro.sh.
+# Output: A CSV that will contain every row from the second file (*_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv). From the first file (*_Remuneracao.csv),
+# I will get only data thats in the second file as well. This means some people in our data will not have data from Remuneracao.csv.
 import sys, csv, json, math, subprocess
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -52,8 +47,8 @@ title1 = csv_1.pop(0)
 file_exists = Path(file2)
 if not file_exists.is_file():
-	print("File2 does not exist. Calling script to create it...")
-	call(["./resumo_cadastro.sh " +  params['path'] + " " + params['date']], shell=True)
+	print("File2 does not exist. Calling script resume_register to create it...")
+	call(["./resume_register.sh " +  params['path'] + " " + params['date']], shell=True)
 with open(file2, newline='', encoding='Windows-1252') as f:
     csv_2 = [ i for i in csv.reader(f, 'dialect') ]
@@ -96,7 +91,6 @@ print("Preparing data...")
 columns1 = len(csv_1[0])
 # Separate id_point from useless data in file 2 and append points in result array.
-# This for takes about 50% of the total time.
 for row2 in csv_2:
     count += 1
@@ -129,8 +123,7 @@ count = 0
 const = 50 / len(csv_1)
 print("Number of rows in file 2 but not in file 1: " + str(errors))
-print("Saving data to file result.csv...")
+print("Saving data...")
 with open(params['outputFile'], 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
     writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
diff --git a/scripts/workers/resume_register.sh b/scripts/workers/resume_register.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb5cf9de6396cc3742b19278149587caafd332e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/workers/resume_register.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# WARNING: This script should not be called if you dont know what you're doing! Look for 'merge_files_es.py'.
+# This scripts purpose is to filter data and get only data related to UFPR.
+# Input: Path to data files and date from data files.
+# Example (inserting data from 2016-10): ./resume_register.sh ../../data/workers/2016-10/ 20161031
+# Output: CSV file named YearMonthDay_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv, in the $path folder.
+# Example of CSV location (using same parameters as input): ../../data/workers/2016-10/20161031_Cadastro_Ufpr_Unique.csv
+if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <path> <date>"
+	exit
+echo "Processing data with args = ${path} and ${date}"
+# About this command:
+# - Sed wraps fields in double quotes.
+# - Grep removes everyone that does not work in UFPR.
+# - Cut selects the important columns.
+# - Uniq removes repeated values.
+# - Tr removes null characters (ctrl + @).
+# Get data from all universities.
+# cat $input | egrep --binary-files=text "(UNIVERSIDADE FED*|Id_SERVIDOR_PORTAL	NOME)" | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^\|$/"/g' -e 's/\t/"\t"/g' | tr -d '\000' > $output
+# Get only data from UFPR.
+cat $input | egrep --binary-files=text "(UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANA|Id_SERVIDOR_PORTAL	NOME)" | tr -d '\000' > $output