fixing "gerenciar turmas" table

2 jobs for fix_tables in 1 minute and 7 seconds
Name Stage Failure
run_test Test
Cloning into '/builds/ensalamento/ensalamento-front/form-creator-database/psql-manager'...
Submodule path 'psql-manager': checked out 'f4b596ae40e17dd0cb8dc71a23c9d44080cc9144'
$ cd form-creator-database
$ psql-manager/ create workspace
Env var DB_HOST is unset. Set it to use the script
Env var DB_NAME is unset. Set it to use the script
Env var DB_USER is unset. Set it to use the script
Env var DB_PASSWORD is unset. Set it to use the script
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1