• Diego Giovane Pasqualin's avatar
    Update the entire repository to match LE5 standard · f7b06a23
    Diego Giovane Pasqualin authored
    - <package>/pacote renamed to <package>/package
    - Package version stored inside <package>/package/DEBIAN/control, instead of
    - Added script bin/build_package.sh, to centralize the script to build
      packages. In consequence, all gerar.sh were deleted*.
    - COPYING and AUTHORS were centralized inside newly created doc/ directory.
      These files are copied into the package being build every time
      build_package.sh is called.
    * If the gerar.sh had some special behavior on a specific package, this
    extra computing can be made using a prebuild/postbuild script, which must be
    located inside the <package>/ root directory.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDiego Giovane Pasqualin <dpasqualin@c3sl.ufpr.br>