License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: AccessPress Parallax WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014 AccessPress Themes AccessPress Parallax is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 Install Steps: -------------- 1. Activate the theme 2. Go to the Theme Option page 3. Setup theme options ------------------------------------------ JS Files HTML5-Shiv: MIT and GPL licenses bxSlider: WTFPL and MIT license Nivo Lightbox: MIT licenses jQuery Actual: MIT licenses jQuery Easing: Open source under the BSD License. jQuery Easing: Released under the WTFPL license jQuery Easing: MIT Licenses Parallax JS: MIT and GPL licenses WOw JS: MIT Licenses Smooth Scroll JS: MIT Licenses ------------------------------------------- Fonts Font Awesome: MIT and GPL licenses Roboto Apache License, version 2.0 Oxygen License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1 ------------------------------------------- Images All the images used are from and are fully GPL compatible. Slider Image Background Image Portfolio Image --------------------------------------------- == Changelog == Version 1.26.2 * Fixed some escapting value * Updated .pot file Version 1.26.1 * Translation Bug fixed Version 1.26.0 * Fixed escaping security error * Core WordPress Function used of pagination/navigaion for post and archive page Version 1.25.9 * TGMPA Updated with the latest version Version 1.25.8 * Logo alignment bug fixed for centered logo in Responsive Layout * Responsive bug fixed for the footer * Header Menu Bug fixed for home page template * PolyLang support for Theme Option Panel Text Version 1.25.7 * Section Files Compatibility with Child Theme * CSS bug on bottom margin of the Google Map Section fixed Version 1.25.6 * Woocommerce Compatible bug fixed Version 1.25.5 * Woocommerce Compatible Version 1.25.4 * Plugin Recommended via TGM * Screenshot changed Version 1.25.3 * Indonesian Translation Added Contributer - Rio Bermano <> Version 1.25.2 * Added the theme support for title tag and removed the hardcoded title tag Version 1.25.1 * Fixes for the compatibility with Polylang Plugin * Post Navigation in the single post shows the post with same term only Version 1.25.0 * CSS fixes to make compaltible with the latest release of WordPress 4.4 * Auto Transition Bug in main slider fixed Version 1.24.9 * Minor bug on Slider fixed for RTL * Google Map Section content not displaying issue fixed Version 1.24.8 * Additional CSS added for RTL Support Version 1.24.7 * More Theme Page added Version 1.24.6 * Menu Center alignment Bug fixed for the header 2 layout * New Plugin Suggested Via TGM Plugin Activation Version 1.24.5 * Main navigation bug fixed * Missing Translation ready fixed * Minor bug in accesspress_letter_count function fixed Version 1.24.4 * FontAwesome updated to latest version * Translation pot file updated * Minor Bug fixed in Home Page Version 1.24.3 * Polylang Plugin translation bug for Call to action section fixed * Minor CSS fix in the admin Panel Version 1.24.2 * Option name mismatch for the child theme fixed * Issue of bxslider not working for RTL Website fixed Version 1.24.0 * Theme Demo Url Changed * Changed Author url from http to https * Jquery bug in Team Section fixed * Text Domain Issue fixed Version 1.23.9 * Demo Slider Content Removed * Demo and Documentation Link added in Theme Option Panel * Minor change in theme option panel Version 1.23.5 * TGM Plugin Class Updated to latest version * Content bug for the parallax section fixed * Jquery bug fixed for multiple team section added * Slider caption overlapping the menu issue fixed Version 1.23.4 * Loop Issue fixed in Parallax Section. * Missing Translation text fixed. * Plugins recomemded via TGM Plugin Activation Version 1.23.3 * Compatibility issues with multilingual plugin (polylang) fixed. * Issue with Google Map Section fixed. * Removed the unused script from the demo content. Version 1.23 * Main Navigation Bug fixed Version 1.22 * Team section slides bug fixed * Background Image bug in Mobile device fixed Version 1.21 * Main Navigation Bug fixed * Minor Changes in Theme Option Panel * New pot file generated for translation * Jquery bug fixed while adding multiple team section Version 1.20 * Archive page Title link fixed * ScreenShot Changed * Few adjustment in Theme Option Panel * Added Theme support for title tag * Added callback for custom TinyMCE editor stylesheets Version 1.19 * Navigation not clickalbe in innpages issue solved. * Minor CSS bugs fixed. * Text translation added. * New Options Added in Theme Options Panel * Option to change the home text added in menu Version 1.18 * Nav unclickable issue solved. * Minor CSS bugs fixed. * Text translation added. * Remove emails from Theme Options due to spams. Version 1.17 * Fixed the link on the Scroll down arrow over the banner. * Added New Translation language (Russian). * Minor CSS bugs fixed. Version 1.16 * Theme option value not saving bug fixed. Version 1.15 * Changed the Option name to theme text domain to prevent the lose of theme option data while making child theme. Version 1.14 * Section ID changed by page ID instead of Page name (Page name created problem with other language then english.) * Header spacing bug fixed when logged in. * Design bug on 2nd level menu fixed on responsive layout. Version 1.13 * Div with clearfix class added in service section to prevent misalignment * Overlapping of Heading with date in the blog/archive page fixed Version 1.11 * Smooth Scroll Js added for smooth scrolling in Chrome * ScreenShot Changed * Minor Changes in styles * Minor Bugs Fixed * Demo Content Added Version 1.1 * Parallax background Effect added for blank Sections in Main page. * Wow animation effect added * Google JavaScript Maps API V3 added * Minor Changes in styles Version 1.0 * Submitted theme for review in