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ahcv19 ahcv19
Bruno Nocera Zanette bnzanette
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des20 des20
Diego Giovane Pasqualin dpasqualin
Douglas AC dac17
Eduardo Todt todt
Edu Trevisan eht17
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Gabriel gsb16
Giovanne Marcelo gms15
Henrique Varella Ehrenfried hvehrenfried
Israel Barreto Sant'Anna ibsantanna
legton lvs16
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Lucas Eduardo Schoenfelder les17
Lucas Sulzbach ls17
Luis Carlos Erpen De Bona bona
- Aug 02, 2021
Fixed carousel background on about page, added option to create collection in... · 00682c13vgm18 authored
Fixed carousel background on about page, added option to create collection in guardar modal when collection number = 0 and fixed button like in resource card when not logged in
- Jan 27, 2021
Started to fix AboutPage reposivity · 8acb7f06Henrique Varella Ehrenfried authored
Henrique V. Ehrenfried <>