/*Copyright (C) 2019 Centro de Computacao Cientifica e Software Livre Departamento de Informatica - Universidade Federal do Parana This file is part of Plataforma Integrada MEC. Plataforma Integrada MEC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Plataforma Integrada MEC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Plataforma Integrada MEC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*/ import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react'; import '../App.css'; import styled from 'styled-components' // import SearchBar from './SearchBar'; import { Row } from 'react-grid-system'; import { MdInfoOutline } from "react-icons/md" import { FaRegPlayCircle } from "react-icons/fa"; import ModalVideoApresentacao from "./ModalVideoApresentacao.js" import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid'; import HomeScreenSearchBar from './HomeScreenSearchBar' import { Store } from '../Store' //Image Import import { banner } from "ImportImages.js"; import { bannerMobile } from "ImportImages.js"; export default function SearchSection(props) { const { state } = useContext(Store) const [modalOpen, handleModal] = useState(false) const toggleModal = () => { handleModal(!modalOpen) } const WIDTH = window.innerWidth; return ( <React.Fragment> <ModalVideoApresentacao open={modalOpen} handleClose={toggleModal} /> <Banner contrast={state.contrast}> <StyledGrid container direction="row" justify="center"> <Grid item style={{ paddingRight: "15px", paddingLeft: "15px", paddingBottom: "120px" }}> <div className="title"> <h2> Plataforma MEC de Recursos Educacionais Digitais </h2> <h3> Encontre e compartilhe vídeos, animações e muitos outros Recursos </h3> </div> <HomeScreenSearchBar /> <div className="links"> <Link to="/sobre"> <MdInfoOutline size="24px" style={{ verticalAlign: "middle", paddingRight: "5px", color: "white" }} /> {WIDTH <= 501 ? <span className={`${state.contrast}LinkColor`}>SOBRE</span> : <span className={`${state.contrast}LinkColor`}>SOBRE A PLATAFORMA</span>} </Link> <span onClick={toggleModal} className={`${state.contrast}LinkColor`} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}> <FaRegPlayCircle size="20px" style={{ verticalAlign: "middle", paddingRight: "5px", color: "white" }} /> {WIDTH <= 501 ? ("VÍDEO") : ("VÍDEO DE APRESENTAÇÃO")} </span> </div> </Grid> </StyledGrid> { WIDTH > 501 && <Row justify="center" style={{ marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0 }}> <button className="recurso" onClick={() => { props.function("Recursos") }}> Recursos Educacionais Digitais </button> <button className="material-formacao" onClick={() => { props.function("Materiais") }}> Materiais de Formação </button> <button className="colecao" onClick={() => { props.function("Colecoes") }}> Coleções dos Usuários </button> </Row> } </Banner> </React.Fragment> ) } const StyledGrid = styled(Grid)` margin: 0 auto !important; color : #fff !important; text-align : center !important; ` const Banner = styled.div` width : 100%; @media screen and (max-width : 501px) { background-image : url(${bannerMobile}); } @media screen and (min-width : 502px) { background-image : url(${banner}); } background-size : cover; text-align : center; .title { color : white; padding-top : 80px; font-size : 22px; h2 { margin-top : 0 !important; margin-bottom : 10px !important; } h3 { font-weight : 100; font-size : 24px; margin : 0 !important; } } .links { margin-top : 20px; color : white; display : flex; justify-content : space-around; a { color : #fff; text-decoration : none !important; outline : none; padding-right : 10px; } } button { align-items: flex-start; font-size: 1.14em; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; border-top-left-radius: 15px; border-top-right-radius: 15px; line-height: 1.42857143; width: 25%; margin-top: 1%; color: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "white" : "yellow"}; text-decoration: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "none" : "underline"}; border: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "none" : "1px solid white"}; padding: 1.2%; border-width: 5%; border-style: none; border-image: initial; outline : none; } .recurso { background-color: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "#ff7f00" : "black"}; } .material-formacao { background-color: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "#e81f4f" : "black"}; } .colecao { background-color: ${props => props.contrast === "" ? "#673ab7" : "black"}; } `