diff --git a/app/controllers/learning_objects_controller.rb b/app/controllers/learning_objects_controller.rb
index a230f0950f0d4eea3d7cc0eaa5629c4e40300ccd..7573b7e24c27d66c89d8ebd986190b5c6247e147 100644
--- a/app/controllers/learning_objects_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/learning_objects_controller.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
   after_action :increment_learning_object_views, only: [:show]
   before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:index, :show]
   before_action :set_complaint_messages, only: :show
+  before_action :set_dspace_collection, :create_repositories, :process_params, :get_selected_subjects, only: :create
   # GET /learning_objects
   # GET /learning_objects.json
   def index
@@ -30,22 +30,18 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
   # POST /learning_objects
   # POST /learning_objects.json
   def create
-    # Create struct with id of the collection
-    collection_struct = Struct.new(:id)
-    collection = collection_struct.new('4')
-    repo = Dspace::Client.instance.repository.collection_repository
-    strategy = DSpaceRest::Strategies::Uploads::CurlStrategy.new(repo.rest_client.url,repo.rest_client.options[:headers][:rest_dspace_token])
-    # Manage the attributes necessary to create a new Item
-    args = {}
-    args['name'] = learning_object_params[:name]
-    args['type'] = learning_object_params[:type]
-    args['last_modified'] = Time.now.to_s
-    args['metadata'] = []
-    params[:learning_object][:date_created] = Time.now
-    params[:learning_object][:date_available] = Time.now
-    params[:learning_object][:type] = get_file_type params[:learning_object][:file]
-    lo = DSpaceRest::Item.new(args)
+    strategy = DSpaceRest::Strategies::Uploads::CurlStrategy.new(
+      @col_repository.rest_client.url,
+      @col_repository.rest_client.options[:headers][:rest_dspace_token]
+      )
+    # Create the item inside Dspace
+    lo = DSpaceRest::Item.new({
+      "name"=> learning_object_params[:name],
+      "type"=> learning_object_params[:type],
+      "last_modified"=> Time.now.to_s,
+      "metadata"=> []
+    })
     dspace_keys = get_dspace_metadata_names("invert")
     params[:learning_object].each do |k,v|
       unless dspace_keys[k].nil?
@@ -58,30 +54,22 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
-    response = repo.create_item_for(collection, lo)
-    # Now upload the file to the create item in DSpace
+    response = @col_repository.create_item_for(@collection, lo)
+    # Now upload the file to the created item in DSpace
     file = params[:learning_object][:file]
     bitstream_response = {}
-    repo = Dspace::Client.instance.repository.item_repository
-    dspace_bitstream_response = repo.create_bitstream_for(response, file.tempfile.path, strategy).as_json
+    dspace_bitstream_response = @item_repository.create_bitstream_for(response, file.tempfile.path, strategy).as_json
     dspace_bitstream_response.each do |v,k|
       bitstream_response[v.camelize(:lower)] = k
-    # repo = Dspace::Client.instance.repository.bitstream_repository
-    # bitstream_response["name"] = file.original_filename
-    # bitstream_response["format"] = file.content_type
-    # repo.update(DSpaceRest::Bitstream.new bitstream_response)
     # Create the object inside OrientDB
-    subjects = []
-    params[:learning_object][:subjects].each do |subject|
-      subjects << subject_repository.find_by_name(subject)
-    end
     @learning_object = LearningObject.new(learning_object_params)
     @learning_object.type = get_file_type file
     @learning_object.id_dspace = response.id
-    @learning_object.subjects = subjects
+    @learning_object.subjects = @subjects
     @learning_object.created_at = Time.now
     @learning_object.last_modified = Time.now
     @learning_object.publisher = current_user
@@ -157,6 +145,31 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
+  def get_selected_subjects
+    @subjects = []
+    params[:learning_object][:subjects].each do |subject|
+      @subjects << subject_repository.find_by_name(subject)
+    end
+  end
+  def process_params
+    params[:learning_object][:date_created] = Time.now
+    params[:learning_object][:date_available] = Time.now
+    params[:learning_object][:type] = get_file_type params[:learning_object][:file]
+  end
+  def create_repositories
+    @col_repository = Dspace::Client.instance.repository.collection_repository
+    @item_repository = Dspace::Client.instance.repository.item_repository
+  end
+  def set_dspace_collection
+    # create struct with the id of the collection
+    # Avoiding an unecessary request to the DSpace
+    collection_struct = Struct.new(:id)
+    @collection = collection_struct.new('4')
+  end
   def get_file_type(file)
     type = file.content_type.split('/').first
     case type
@@ -173,10 +186,6 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
   def get_dspace_metadata_names(invert=nil)
     h = {
         "dc.contributor.author" => "author",
         "dc.date.accessioned" => "date_created",
         "dc.date.available" => "date_available",
@@ -184,21 +193,6 @@ class LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController
         "dc.title" => "name",
         "dc.type" => "type",
         "dc.subject.category" => "subjects"
-        # dc.identifier.uri
-        # "dc.description" => "description",
-        # "dc.source" => "source",
-        # "dc.date.issued" => "date",
-        # "dc.rights.license" => "license",
-        # "dc.rights.holder" => "copyright",
-        # "dc.location.country" => "country",
-        # "dc.date.accessioned" => "date_created",
-        # "dc.date.available" => "date_available",
-        # "dc.subject.keyword" => "keywords",
-        # "dc.date.issued" => "date_issued",
-        # "dc.date.submitted" => "date_submitted",
-        # "dc.publisher" => "publisher"
-        # TODO: dc.audience.mediator
     if (invert != nil)
       return h.invert