diff --git a/app/services/tag_search_service.rb b/app/services/tag_search_service.rb
index 2d973fb9132e57cbc9d2880c82fb3d7c6864b775..2744f5f4b35291d512abe43a3d9c83145d69a164 100644
--- a/app/services/tag_search_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/tag_search_service.rb
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 module TagSearchService
   # DEBUG = true
   FTREE_CACHE_KEY = "ftree".freeze
-  LO_CLUSTER_CACHE_KEY = "lo_cluster".freeze
   PAD = 1
   PADM = 0.05
@@ -38,77 +37,25 @@ module TagSearchService
-  def lo_cluster_cache(tag_clusters)
-    Rails.cache.fetch(LO_CLUSTER_CACHE_KEY) do
-      lo_clusters(tag_clusters)
-    end
-  end
   def search(tag, limit = -1)
     # Create clusters from ftree
     ftree = parse_ftree_cache()
     tag_cluster_hash = ftree[:tag_cluster_hash]
-    # NEW: Uncomment to test this, see if it takes too long for its benefits
-    # if it's good, put it in the tag_clustering.rake
-    # lo_cluster = lo_cluster_cache(ftree[:tag_clusters])
-    # puts "\nStarted Calculating relevant results for tag #{tag.name}\n" if DEBUG
     relevant_los = find_relevant_results(tag.id, tag_cluster_hash, limit)
-    # relevant_los = find_relevant_results_v2(tag.id, tag_cluster_hash, lo_cluster, limit) ##
-    # NEW: Uncomment to test this, see if it takes too long for its benefits
-    # puts "\n============ Learning Objects - Cluster Search ===============\n"
-    # puts "ID: Ranking | Name | Tags\n\n"
-    # relevant_los.each do |id, rank|
-    #   lo = LearningObject.find(id)
-    #   # puts "-----"
-    #   p lo.id.to_s+": "+rank.to_s+" | "+lo.try(:name)
-    #   lo.tags.each {|t| print t.name+" | "}
-    #   # puts ""
-    # end
     search_los = LearningObject.search tag.name, limit: limit, explain:true
-    # puts "\n============ Learning Objects - Elasticsearch ===============\n"
-    # search_los.each do |lo|
-    #   # puts "#{lo.id}: #{lo.search_hit['_score']}"
-    # end
-    # puts "ID: Ranking | Name | Tags\n\n"
-    # search_los.each do |lo|
-    #   # puts "-----"
-    #   p lo.id.to_s+": "+lo.search_hit["_score"].to_s+" | "+lo.try(:name)
-    #   lo.tags.each {|t| print t.name+" | "}
-    #   # puts ""
-    # end
     merged_los = merge(search_los, relevant_los)
-    # puts "\n============ Learning Objects - Merged ===============\n"
-    # merged_los.each do |id, rank|
-    #   # puts "#{id}: #{rank}"
-    # end
-    # # puts "ID: Ranking | Name | Tags\n\n"
-    # merged_los.each do |id, rank|
-    #   lo = LearningObject.find(id)
-    #   # puts "-----"
-    #   p lo.id.to_s+": "+rank.to_s+" | "+lo.try(:name)
-    #   lo.tags.each {|t| print t.name+" | "}
-    #   # puts ""
-    # end
     return merged_los.map { |lc| lc[0] }
   def merge(search_los, relevant_los)
-    # puts "\n---------------------- MERGING -----------------------" if DEBUG
     merged_los = []
-    # puts "Normalize search scores" if DEBUG
     max = search_los.first.search_hit['_score']
     min = search_los[search_los.size-1].search_hit['_score']
-    # puts "Max=#{max} Min=#{min}" if DEBUG
     max_boost = 0
     response = search_los.response['hits']['hits']
     search_los.each_with_index do |slo, i|
@@ -120,20 +67,15 @@ module TagSearchService
       max_boost = boost if boost > max_boost
       slo.search_hit['_score'] = boost*(slo.search_hit['_score']*(1+PADM)-min)/(max-min)
-      # puts "#{slo.search_hit['_score']}" if DEBUG
-    # puts "\nNormalize relevant scores" if DEBUG
     max = relevant_los.first[1]
     min = relevant_los.last[1]
-    # puts "Max=#{max} Min=#{min}" if DEBUG
     relevant_los.each do |rlc|
       rlc[1] = max_boost*(rlc[1]*(1+PADM)-min)/(max-min)
-      # puts "#{rlc[1]}" if DEBUG
     end if max != 0
-    # puts "Changing search array format" if DEBUG
     search_los.each do |slo|
       relevant_los.each_with_index do |rlc, index|
         if slo.id == rlc[0].id
@@ -142,11 +84,9 @@ module TagSearchService
       merged_los << [slo, slo.search_hit['_score']]
-      # puts "#{merged_los[merged_los.length - 1][0]}: #{merged_los[merged_los.length - 1][1]}" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Sorting LOs...\n" if DEBUG
     # highest ranks first
     merged_los = merged_los.sort_by { |lc| lc[1]*-1 }
     return merged_los
@@ -155,20 +95,13 @@ module TagSearchService
   def find_relevant_results(tagId, tag_cluster_hash, limit)
     los_ranked = {}
-    # puts "\nGetting tags from the same cluster\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Normalization with padding = #{PAD}\n" if DEBUG
     close_tags = ranked_close_tags(tagId, tag_cluster_hash)
     # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by global tag frequency
     # freq_cluster = cluster_frequency(close_tags)
-    # puts "\nStarted Ranking LOs...\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "\n====== Close Tags =========\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Name | ID | Normalized Ranking\n\n" if DEBUG
     close_tags.each do |ct|
       tag = Tag.find(ct[:id])
-      # puts tag.name+" | "+ct[:id].to_s+" | "+ct[:rank].to_s+" | "+tag_cluster_hash[ct[:id]][:rank].to_s if DEBUG
       tag.taggings.where(taggable_type: "LearningObject").each do |tagging|
         lo = tagging.taggable
         if los_ranked[lo].nil?
@@ -180,12 +113,10 @@ module TagSearchService
           # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by tag cluster rank
           los_ranked[lo] = relevance_raw_rank(lo, close_tags)
-          # puts "Found lo of id=#{lo.id} with rank=#{los_ranked[lo.id]}" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Sorting LOs...\n" if DEBUG
     # highest ranks first
     los_ranked = los_ranked.sort_by { |lo, rank| rank*-1 }
     return los_ranked.first(limit) if limit > 0
@@ -194,7 +125,6 @@ module TagSearchService
   # ranking #
   def ranked_close_tags(tagId, tag_cluster_hash)
-    # puts "Rank close tags" if DEBUG
     close_tags = []
     tag_cluster_hash[tagId][:parent][:childs].each do |t|
@@ -204,7 +134,6 @@ module TagSearchService
       lg_dist = ( Math.log2(tag_cluster_hash[tagId][:flow]) - Math.log2(t[:flow]) ).abs
       close_tags << { id: t[:id], rank: lg_dist}
-      # puts "Rank for tag_id=#{close_tags[close_tags.length - 1][:id]}: #{close_tags[close_tags.length - 1][:rank]}" if DEBUG
     return normalize_complement_close(close_tags)
@@ -213,20 +142,17 @@ module TagSearchService
   # normalizes and complements, 0 distance will be 1,
   # max dist will be closest to 0
   def normalize_complement_close(tags)
-    # puts "Normalize close tags" if DEBUG
     max = 0
     # find max rank
     tags.each do |t|
       max = t[:rank] if t[:rank] > max
-    # puts "Max rank found = #{max}" if DEBUG
     # normalize, min will always be 0
     tags.each do |t|
       # increase max by $PAD so its rank isn't 0
       t[:rank] = 1 - (t[:rank]/(max*(1 + PAD)))
-      # puts "Rank for tag_id=#{t[:id]}: #{t[:rank] }" if DEBUG
     end if max != 0
     return tags
@@ -281,12 +207,10 @@ module TagSearchService
   # returns the rank sum of the tags in the LO
   def relevance_raw_rank(lo, close_tags)
     # for each tag in LO that is in the cluster, accumulate it's rank
-    # puts "Calculate relevance_raw_rank for lo if id=#{lo.id}" if DEBUG
     rank_sum = 0
     lo.tags.each do |t|
       close_tags.each do |tag|
         if tag[:id] == t.id
-          # puts rank_sum  if DEBUG
           rank_sum += tag[:rank]
@@ -299,8 +223,6 @@ module TagSearchService
     # parse .ftree into a 'tree', leafs are tags with flow number, branches are the clustes
     # create tags list, tags[tagId] == the tag leaf inside the cluster tree
-    # puts "\nParsing .ftree output into a 'tree'\n" if DEBUG
     root = {childs: [], parent: nil}
     tag_cluster_hash = {}
     tag_clusters = []
@@ -344,76 +266,8 @@ module TagSearchService
         tag_cluster_hash[tagId] = it[:childs][leafId-1]
-    # puts "\nNumber of clusters found: #{tag_clusters.size}\n" if DEBUG
     return {tag_cluster_hash: tag_cluster_hash, tag_clusters: tag_clusters}
-  # NEW: test this, see if it takes too long for its benefits
-  def find_relevant_results_v2(tagId, tag_cluster_hash, lo_cluster, limit)
-    los_ranked = {}
-    # puts "\nGetting tags from the same cluster\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Normalization with padding = #{PAD}\n" if DEBUG
-    close_tags = ranked_close_tags(tagId, tag_cluster_hash)
-    # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by global tag frequency
-    # freq_cluster = cluster_frequency(close_tags)
-    # puts "\nStarted Ranking LOs...\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "\n====== Close Tags =========\n" if DEBUG
-    # puts "Name | ID | Normalized Ranking\n\n" if DEBUG
-    # NEW: for each LO in the cluster of this tag
-    lo_cluster[tagId].each do |lo_id|
-      lo = LearningObject.find(lo_id)
-      # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by local tag frequency
-      # los_ranked[lo.id] = relevance_frequency_rank(lo, close_tags)
-      # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by global tag frequency
-      # los_ranked[lo.id] = relevance_frequency_rank_global(lo, close_tags, freq_cluster)
-      # Uncomment the next line if you want to sort by tag cluster rank
-      los_ranked[lo] = relevance_raw_rank(lo, close_tags)
-      # puts "Found lo of id=#{lo.id} with rank=#{los_ranked[lo.id]}" if DEBUG
-    end
-    # puts "Sorting LOs...\n" if DEBUG
-    # highest ranks first
-    los_ranked = los_ranked.sort_by { |lo, rank| rank*-1 }
-    return los_ranked.first(limit) if limit > 0
-    return los_ranked
-  end
-  # returns a hash keyed by tag id,
-  # contains an array with all learning object ids that the cluster contains
-  def lo_clusters(tag_clusters)
-    lo_clusters = {}
-    tag_clusters.each do |tag_cluster|
-      # for each cluster, find all LOs tagged by the tags in the cluster
-      # insert their ids in lo_cluster array
-      lo_cluster = []
-      aux = {}
-      # for each tag in the cluster
-      tag_cluster[:childs].each do |leaf|
-        tag_id = leaf[:id]
-        # save the reference in the tag_id hash
-        lo_clusters[tag_id] = lo_cluster
-        tag = Tag.find(tag_id)
-        # find LOs with this tag
-        tag.taggings.where(taggable_type: "LearningObject").each do |tagging|
-          lo = tagging.taggable
-          if aux[lo.id].nil?
-            aux[lo.id] = 1
-            lo_cluster << lo.id
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    return lo_clusters
-  end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/tag_clustering.rake b/lib/tasks/tag_clustering.rake
index 3755acb58395e89312623f95bae1317f4b2a914e..83a036205ab55c348f7863e328100f3bda400ca3 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/tag_clustering.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/tag_clustering.rake
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ namespace :tag do
   desc 'Generate tag clusters'
   task :generate_clusters => [:environment] do
     include TagSearchService
-    # DEBUG = true
     graph_path = TagSearchService.file_path+".net"
     # Create hash of tag co occurrence
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ namespace :tag do
   # hash[id1][id2] will equal how many times tags with id1 and id2 appear together on a LO
   def create_hash()
-    # puts "\nCreating hash of tag concurrences\n" if DEBUG
     hash = {}
     LearningObject.all.each do |lo|
@@ -75,7 +73,6 @@ namespace :tag do
   def create_pajek_net_graph(hash, path)
-    # puts "\nCreating pajek net graph on path #{path}\n" if DEBUG
     File.open(path, "w+") do |f|
       f << "*Vertices #{Tag.all.size}\n"
@@ -100,8 +97,7 @@ namespace :tag do
   def infomap_ftree(graph_path, out_dir)
-    # puts "\nCalling infomap with the pajek graph\n\n" if DEBUG
-    system("Infomap --ftree #{graph_path} #{TagSearchService.root_dir}")
+    system("infomap --ftree #{graph_path} #{TagSearchService.root_dir}")
     if $?.exitstatus != 0
       puts "-- Error on Infomap call"
       puts "-- Make sure you have infomap in your executable path"