diff --git a/app/builders/learning_object_builder.rb b/app/builders/learning_object_builder.rb
index cad1fcb5c31e978a9bb27c942b706a2e67539c0b..8203ff0c1873ae46f4dfb8f47c61a81467b43e4d 100644
--- a/app/builders/learning_object_builder.rb
+++ b/app/builders/learning_object_builder.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
 # along with portalmec.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 class LearningObjectBuilder
   def self.build_from_dspace(item, publisher)
     lo = LearningObject.new(
       name: item.name,
@@ -34,7 +37,34 @@ class LearningObjectBuilder
     object_type = lo.get_metadata_value_of('dc.type')
     object_type = 'Desconhecido' if object_type.blank?
-    lo.object_type = ObjectType.where(name: object_type).first_or_create
+    subjects = lo.get_metadata_values_of('dc.subject')
+    subjects = ['Outros'] if subjects.blank?
+    subjects.each do |subject|
+      s = Subject.where(name: subject)
+      if s.blank?
+        lo.tags << Tag.where(name: subject).first_or_create
+      else
+        lo.subjects << s
+      end
+    end
+    tags = lo.get_metadata_value_of('dc.subject.keyword')
+    tags = ['Outros'] if tags.blank?
+    tags.each do |tg|
+      tag = Tag.where(name: tg).first_or_create
+      tagging = Tagging.new(tag: tag, tagger: publisher, taggable: lo)
+      lo.taggings << tagging
+    end
+    ot = ObjectType.where(name: object_type)
+    if ot.blank?
+      lo.object_type = ObjectType.where(name: 'Outros').first
+    else
+      lo.object_type = ot.first
+    end
     # date = lo.get_metadata_value_of('dc.date.issued')
     # lo.published_at = Time.iso8601(date) unless date.nil?
@@ -49,6 +79,8 @@ class LearningObjectBuilder
     lo.author = lo.get_metadata_values_of('dc.contributor.author').join(', ')
     lo.author = publisher.name if lo.author.blank?
     lo.description = lo.get_metadata_value_of('dc.description')
+    lo.link = lo.get_metadata_value_of('dc.relation.uri')
     lo.state = LearningObject.states[:published]
diff --git a/lib/tasks/import/learning_objects.rake b/lib/tasks/import/learning_objects.rake
index 9b0947086efb3161a02f3fa00143c4f6951f7b46..7f758426e31f37fe727b229bf0782b72f3497c07 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/import/learning_objects.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/import/learning_objects.rake
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace :import do
     # TODO: Deal with already existing item/LO
     # TODO: Deal with deleted items
     params = {
-      q: "search.resourcetype:2", # AND location.coll:4
+      # q: "search.resourcetype:2", # AND location.coll:4
       fq: "dc.date.accessioned_dt:[NOW-1DAY TO NOW]",
       wt: "json",
       indent: "true"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace :import do
     users = User.joins(:roles).where(roles: {name: "partner"}).where.not(dspace_url: [nil, ""], dspace_handle: [nil, ""])
     users.each do |user|
       user_params = params
-      user_params[:q] += " AND handle: #{user.dspace_handle}/*"
+      user_params[:q] = "search.resourcetype:2 AND handle: #{user.dspace_handle}"
       uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(user_params)
       response = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(uri))
@@ -55,9 +55,12 @@ namespace :import do
           logger.warn "Received a string instead of item: #{item}"
         items << item
-      importer = Dspace::LearningObjectImporter.new(items, user)
+      importer = Dspace::LearningObjectImporter.new(items, user)    