# Copyright (C) 2015 Centro de Computacao Cientifica e Software Livre # Departamento de Informatica - Universidade Federal do Parana # # This file is part of portalmec. # # portalmec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # portalmec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with portalmec. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. require 'uri' class V1::LearningObjectsController < ApplicationController include ::SociableController include ::DownloadableController include ::TaggableController include ::Paginator include ::DeletedObjectsController include ::HighlightsController include ::SubjectableController include ::StageableController include ::SubmissionController before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:create, :update, :destroy, :tagging, :untagging, :submit, :submission, :show_submission] before_action :set_learning_object, only: [:show, :update, :destroy, :subjecting, :unsubjecting, :add_stages, :remove_stages] before_action :set_new_learning_object, only: [:index, :submissions] before_action :set_new_submission, only: :submit before_action :set_submission, only: :show_submission before_action :authorize!, except: [:create, :tagging, :untagging, :download, :magnetlink, :validate] before_action :set_paper_trail_whodunnit, except: [:index, :show] def index learning_objects = policy_scope(LearningObject).includes(:tags, :publisher, :language, :license, :subjects, :educational_stages, :reviews) learning_objects = learning_objects.order(score: :desc) if params[:sort].blank? learning_objects = paginate learning_objects serializer = params[:obaa].nil? ? LearningObjectSerializer : LearningObjectObaaSerializer http_cache_forever do render json: learning_objects, each_serializer: serializer end end # GET /learning_objects/1 # GET /learning_objects/1.json def show serializer = params[:obaa].nil? ? LearningObjectSerializer : LearningObjectObaaSerializer render json: @learning_object, serializer: serializer end # POST /learning_objects # POST /learning_objects.json def create learning_object = LearningObject.new(learning_object_params) authorize learning_object publisher = LearningObjectPublisher.new(DspaceService.create_client) if publisher.create_draft(learning_object, current_user) learning_object_associations(learning_object, false) render json: learning_object, status: :created else render json: learning_object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end # PATCH/PUT /learning_objects/1 # PATCH/PUT /learning_objects/1.json def update lo_params = learning_object_params if !lo_params[:object_type_id].blank? && lo_params[:object_type_id] != @learning_object.object_type_id && lo_params[:link].blank? change_object_type_id = true end if lo_params[:thumbnail] == "null" @learning_object.thumbnail.clear lo_params.delete(:thumbnail) end if @learning_object.update(lo_params) update_learning_object_associations(@learning_object, change_object_type_id) publisher = LearningObjectPublisher.new(DspaceService.create_client) publisher.update_dspace(@learning_object) render json: @learning_object, status: :ok else render json: @learning_object.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end # DELETE /learning_objects/1 # DELETE /learning_objects/1.json def destroy @learning_object.destroy response = { 'status': 'deleted' } render status: :ok, json: response end # GET /v1/learning_objects/magnetlink/:magnetlink def magnetlink render json: LearningObject.where(magnetlink: params[:magnetlink]) end # GET /learning_objects/validate?infohash="" def validate infohash = LearningObject::Attachment.find_by_infohash(params["infohash"]) if infohash render json: infohash, status: :ok else render status: :not_found end end private def deleted_resource; LearningObject; end def highlights_resource; LearningObject; end def sociable; set_learning_object; end def downloadable; set_learning_object; end def taggable; set_learning_object; end def subjectable; set_learning_object; end def stageable; set_learning_object; end # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_learning_object #check if user is admin to show destroyed object if current_user.try(:is_admin?) @learning_object ||= LearningObject.unscoped.find_by_id(params[:id]) else @learning_object ||= LearningObject.find_by_id(params[:id]) end if @learning_object.nil? render status: :not_found end @learning_object end def set_new_learning_object @learning_object ||= LearningObject.new end # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through. def learning_object_params return nil if params[:learning_object].nil? params[:learning_object].permit(:author, :name, :curator, :object_type_id, :description, :license_id, :thumbnail, :software, :language_id, :link, :magnetlink) end def extra_params return {} if params[:learning_object].nil? params[:learning_object].permit(subjects: [], educational_stages: [], tags: [:name]) end def learning_object_associations(learning_object, change_object_type_id=false) if extra_params[:tags] == [] current_user.untag(learning_object, with: @learning_object.tags.map { |t| t['name'] }) elsif !extra_params[:tags].nil? current_user.tag(learning_object, with: extra_params[:tags].map { |t| t['name'] }) end learning_object.add_subjects(ids: extra_params[:subjects]) unless extra_params[:subjects].nil? learning_object.add_educational_stages(ids: extra_params[:educational_stages]) unless extra_params[:educational_stages].nil? if change_object_type_id learning_object.link = nil end end def update_learning_object_associations(learning_object, change_object_type_id=false) current_user.update_tags(learning_object, with: extra_params[:tags].map { |t| t['name'] }) unless extra_params[:tags].nil? learning_object.update_subjects(ids: extra_params[:subjects]) unless extra_params[:subjects].nil? learning_object.update_educational_stages(ids: extra_params[:educational_stages]) unless extra_params[:educational_stages].nil? if change_object_type_id learning_object.link = nil end end def authorize! authorize @learning_object end end