• Vinicius Ruoso's avatar
    Added a script to refute undesired versions of PrD · 632b16c4
    Vinicius Ruoso authored
    To refute old PrD version, such as 1.1 and 2.0rc*, this script will create
    a /etc/nologin file with some instructions and add on /etc/rc2.d to secure
    that the nologin file will be there when the system is rebooted.
    Also an entry to refute script on autogen.conf has been added to correctly
    generate a new Makefile. This entry has been added before prd_ajudaremota
    script, which was moved to 002 position.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVinicius Ruoso <vkr07@c3sl.ufpr.br>