• Bruno Ribas's avatar
    Creation of starttable and generatecolumnnames functions · b6809ff3
    Bruno Ribas authored
    To have a simple way to genrate tables and to avoid multiple generation
    of generatecolumnnames those two functions were created.
    generatecolumnnames: Will source all column scripts and store all
       getcolumnname() to COLUMNNAMES variables, to any use later at the
    starttable(): will create all necessary headers for table generation,
       such as ID, class div and span, and will already create the first
       line of the table which is $COLUMNNAMES
       Also this function is able to read $TABLEATTRIBUTES, which will carry
       some table attributes, default is border=1 and can be overwriten by
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBruno Ribas <ribas@c3sl.ufpr.br>