Vytor Calixto authoredVytor Calixto authored
enrollment.js 7.19 KiB
const express = require('express');
const enrollmentApp = express();
const libs = `${process.cwd()}/libs`;
const log = require(`${libs}/log`)(module);
const squel = require('squel');
const query = require(`${libs}/middlewares/query`);
const response = require(`${libs}/middlewares/response`);
// **Temporary** solution to add where clauses that are common to all requests
function filter(req, q) {
if (typeof req.min_year !== 'undefined') {
q.where('ano_censo>=?', req.min_year);
if (typeof req.max_year !== 'undefined') {
q.where('ano_censo<=?', req.max_year);
if (typeof req.adm_dependency_id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('fk_dependencia_adm_id=?', req.adm_dependency_id);
if (typeof req.location_id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('id_localizacao=?', req.location_id);
if (typeof req.education_level_id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('fk_etapa_ensino_id=?', req.education_level_id);
* Complete range of the enrollments dataset
* Returns a tuple of start and ending years of the complete enrollments dataset.
enrollmentApp.get('/year_range', (req, res, next) => {
req.sql = squel.select()
.field('MIN(turmas.ano_censo)', 'start_year')
.field('MAX(turmas.ano_censo)', 'end_year')
}, query, response('range'));
* Returns all educational levels avaible
enrollmentApp.get('/education_level', (req, res, next) => {
req.sql = squel.select()
.field('pk_etapa_ensino_id', 'id')
.field('desc_etapa', 'name')
}, query, response('education_level'));
* Returns all adm dependency
enrollmentApp.get('/adm_dependency', (req, res, next) => {
req.sql = squel.select()
.field('pk_dependencia_adm_id', 'id')
.field('nome', 'name')
}, query, response('adm_dependency'));
enrollmentApp.get('/data', (req, res, next) => {
req.sql = squel.select().from('turmas').toParam();
}, query, response('data'));
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
req.paramCnt = 0;
if (typeof params.id !== 'undefined') {
req.id = parseInt(params.id, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
if (typeof params.location_id !== 'undefined') {
req.location_id = parseInt(params.location_id, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
if (typeof params.adm_dependency_id !== 'undefined') {
req.adm_dependency_id = parseInt(params.adm_dependency_id, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
if (typeof params.min_year !== 'undefined') {
req.min_year = parseInt(params.min_year, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
if (typeof params.max_year !== 'undefined') {
req.max_year = parseInt(params.max_year, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
if (typeof params.education_level_id !== 'undefined') {
req.education_level_id = parseInt(params.education_level_id, 10);
req.paramCnt += 1;
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
if (typeof params.aggregate !== 'undefined' && params.aggregate === 'region') {
log.debug('Using enrollments query for regions');
const q = squel.select().from('mat_regioes')
.field('SUM(total)', 'total')
.field('ano_censo', 'year');
filter(req, q);
if (typeof req.id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('pk_regiao_id=?', req.id);
req.sql = q.group('name').group('ano_censo').order('ano_censo').toParam();
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
if (typeof params.aggregate !== 'undefined' && params.aggregate === 'state') {
log.debug('Using enrollments query for states');
const q = squel.select().from('mat_estados')
.field('SUM(total)', 'total')
.field('ano_censo', 'year');
filter(req, q);
if (typeof req.id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('pk_estado_id=?', req.id);
req.sql = q.group('name').group('ano_censo').order('ano_censo').toParam();
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
if (typeof params.aggregate !== 'undefined' && params.aggregate === 'city') {
log.debug('Using enrollments query for cities');
const q = squel.select().from('mat_municipios')
.field('SUM(total)', 'total')
.field('ano_censo', 'year');
filter(req, q);
if (typeof req.id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('pk_municipio_id=?', req.id);
req.sql = q.group('name').group('ano_censo').order('ano_censo').toParam();
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
if (typeof params.aggregate !== 'undefined' && params.aggregate === 'school') {
log.debug('Using enrollments query for schools');
const q = squel.select().from('mat_escolas')
.field('SUM(total)', 'total')
.field('ano_censo', 'year');
filter(req, q);
if (typeof req.id !== 'undefined') {
q.where('pk_escola_id=?', req.id);
req.sql = q.group('name').group('ano_censo').order('ano_censo').toParam();
enrollmentApp.use('/', (req, res, next) => {
const params = req.query;
if (typeof params.aggregate === 'undefined') {
log.debug('Using enrollments query for the whole country');
const q = squel.select().from('turmas').field("'Brasil'", 'name')
.field('COALESCE(SUM(num_matriculas),0)', 'total')
.field('ano_censo', 'year');
filter(req, q);
req.sql = q.group('ano_censo').order('ano_censo').toParam();
enrollmentApp.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
log.debug(`Request parameters: ${req}`);
}, query, response('enrollments'));
// enrollmentApp.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
// log.debug(`Request parameters: ${req}`);
// if (typeof req.sqlQuery === 'undefined') {
// // Should only happen if there is a bug in the chaining of the
// // '/enrollments' route, since when no +aggregate+ parameter is given,
// // it defaults to use the query for the whole country.
// log.error('BUG -- No SQL query was found to be executed!');
// next('Internal error, request could not be satisfied at this moment. Please, '
// + 'try again later');
// } else {
// log.debug('SQL query: ${ req.sqlQuery }?');
// log.debug(req.sqlQuery);
// dbQuery(req.sqlQuery).then((result) => {
// req.result = result;
// return response(req, res);
// }, (error) => {
// log.error(`[${req.originalUrl}] SQL query error: ${error}`);
// next('Internal error, request could not be satisfied at this moment. Please, '
// + 'try again later');
// });
// }
// });
module.exports = enrollmentApp;