diff --git a/gulpfile.babel.js b/gulpfile.babel.js
index a40a9cac2f62a0fc328222ddce85ce73db0c207e..cecae587a2e22e11052da3dc01371310086a74bd 100644
--- a/gulpfile.babel.js
+++ b/gulpfile.babel.js
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
 const gulp = require('gulp');
 const babel = require('gulp-babel');
 const eslint = require('gulp-eslint');
+const mocha = require('gulp-mocha');
+const nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon');
+const Cache = require('gulp-file-cache');
+const cache = new Cache();
  * Compile source files
@@ -13,8 +23,10 @@ function compile() {
     // compile source to ES5
-        .pipe(babel())
-        .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));
+        .pipe(cache.filter())       // cache source files
+        .pipe(babel())      // compile only modified files
+        .pipe(cache.cache())        // cache compiled files
+        .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));  // move compiled files to build directory
     // copy configuration file to build directory
@@ -24,14 +36,37 @@ function compile() {
 gulp.task('build', compile);
-gulp.task('run', ['build'], () => {
+gulp.task('test', () => {
+  gulp.src('test/test.js', {read: false})
+    .pipe(mocha())
+    .once('error', () => {
+      process.exit(1);
+    })
+    .once('end', () => {
+      process.exit();
+    });
 gulp.task('watch', [], () => {
+    console.log('Watching source directory for changes');
+    gulp.watch('src/**/*.js').on('change', () => {
+        console.log('Recompiling source');
+        compile();
+        console.log('Source recompilation done')
+    });
-gulp.task('test', ['build'], () => {
+gulp.task('run', () => {
+  process.chdir('build');
+  nodemon({
+    script: 'server.js',
+    tasks: ['watch'],
+    ignore: ["test/test.js", "gulpfile.babel.js"],
+    ext: 'js html json',
+    env: { 'NODE_ENV': 'development' }
+  });
-gulp.task('default', ['watch']);
+gulp.task('default', ['run']);
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 713f494edf7c7206701be876b54663539bfdb9fb..06ea4fce17d05c284ee4b464d84c5f35352ca443 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     "cors": "^2.7.1",
     "csv-express": "^1.1.0",
     "debug": "~2.0.x",
+    "dirty-chai": "^1.2.2",
     "express": "^4.13.0",
     "faker": "^2.1.5",
     "forever": "^0.15.2",
@@ -44,6 +45,12 @@
     "gulp": "^3.9.1",
     "gulp-babel": "^6.1.2",
     "gulp-cli": "^1.2.2",
-    "gulp-eslint": "^3.0.1"
+    "gulp-eslint": "^3.0.1",
+    "gulp-file-cache": "0.0.1",
+    "gulp-mocha": "^3.0.1",
+    "gulp-nodemon": "^2.1.0",
+    "gulp-plumber": "^1.1.0",
+    "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
+    "gulp-uglify": "^2.0.0"