From 5bab55baaf0f50c4cc7ef016f7e13e5f0936ad80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vytor Calixto <> Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 09:56:21 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Create school infrastructure file --- src/libs/routes/school_infrastructure.js | 558 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 558 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/libs/routes/school_infrastructure.js diff --git a/src/libs/routes/school_infrastructure.js b/src/libs/routes/school_infrastructure.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..290bf1a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/libs/routes/school_infrastructure.js @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +const express = require('express'); + +const infrastructureApp = express.Router(); + +const libs = `${process.cwd()}/libs`; + +const log = require(`${libs}/log`)(module); + +const squel = require('squel'); + +const query = require(`${libs}/middlewares/query`).query; + +const multiQuery = require(`${libs}/middlewares/multiQuery`); + +const response = require(`${libs}/middlewares/response`); + +const id2str = require(`${libs}/middlewares/id2str`); + +const ReqQueryFields = require(`${libs}/middlewares/reqQueryFields`); + +const config = require(`${libs}/config`); + +const cache = require('apicache').options({ debug: config.debug, statusCodes: {include: [200]} }).middleware; + +let rqf = new ReqQueryFields(); + +infrastructureApp.use(cache('15 day')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/year_range', (req, res, next) => { + req.sql.from('escola') + .field('MIN(escola.ano_censo)', 'start_year') + .field('MAX(escola.ano_censo)', 'end_year'); + next(); +}, query, response('range')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/years', (req, res, next) => { + req.sql.from('escola') + .field('DISTINCT escola.ano_censo', 'year'); + next(); +}, query, response('years')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/source', (req, res, next) => { + req.sql.from('fonte') + .field('fonte', 'source') + .where('tabela = \'escola\''); + next(); +}, query, response('source')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/location', (req, res, next) => { + req.result = [ + {id: 1, name: 'Urbana'}, + {id: 2, name: 'Rural'} + ]; + next(); +}, response('location')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/rural_location', (req, res, next) => { + req.result = [ + {id: 1, name: "Urbana"}, + {id: 2, name: "Rural"}, + {id: 3, name: "Rural - Ãrea de assentamento"}, + {id: 4, name: "Rural - Terra indÃgena"}, + {id: 5, name: "Rural - Ãrea remanescente de quilombos"}, + {id: 6, name: "Rural - Unidade de uso sustentável"} + ]; + next(); +}, response('rural_location')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/adm_dependency', (req, res, next) => { + req.sql.from('dependencia_adm') + .field('id') + .field('nome', 'name') + .where('id <= 4'); + next(); +}, query, response('adm_dependency')); + +infrastructureApp.get('/adm_dependency_detailed', (req, res, next) => { + req.sql.from('dependencia_adm_priv') + .field('id', 'id') + .field('nome', 'name'); + next(); +}, query, response('adm_dependency_detailed')); + +rqf.addField({ + name: 'filter', + field: false, + where: true +}).addField({ + name: 'dims', + field: true, + where: false +}).addValueToField({ + name: 'city', + table: 'municipio', + tableField: ['nome', 'id'], + resultField: ['city_name', 'city_id'], + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'municipio_id', + table: 'escola' + }, + join: { + primary: 'id', + foreign: 'municipio_id', + foreignTable: 'escola' + } +}, 'dims').addValueToField({ + name: 'city', + table: 'municipio', + tableField: 'id', + resultField: 'city_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'municipio_id', + table: 'escola' + }, + join: { + primary: 'id', + foreign: 'municipio_id', + foreignTable: 'escola' + } +}, 'filter').addValueToField({ + name: 'state', + table: 'estado', + tableField: ['nome', 'id'], + resultField: ['state_name', 'state_id'], + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'estado_id', + table: 'escola' + }, + join: { + primary: 'id', + foreign: 'estado_id', + foreignTable: 'escola' + } +}, 'dims').addValueToField({ + name: 'state', + table: 'estado', + tableField: 'id', + resultField: 'state_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'estado_id', + table: 'escola' + }, + join: { + primary: 'id', + foreign: 'estado_id', + foreignTable: 'escola' + } +}, 'filter').addValue({ + name: 'region', + table: 'regiao', + tableField: 'nome', + resultField: 'region_name', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'id' + }, + join: { + primary: 'id', + foreign: 'regiao_id', + foreignTable: 'escola' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'location', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'cod_localizacao', + resultField: 'location_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'cod_localizacao' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'rural_location', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'localidade_area_rural', + resultField: 'rural_location_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'localidade_area_rural' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'adm_dependency', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'dependencia_adm_id', + resultField: 'adm_dependency_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'dependencia_adm_id' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'adm_dependency_detailed', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'dependencia_adm_priv', + resultField: 'adm_dependency_detailed_id', + where: { + relation: '=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'dependencia_adm_priv' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'min_year', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'ano_censo', + resultField: 'year', + where: { + relation: '>=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'ano_censo' + } +}).addValue({ + name: 'max_year', + table: 'escola', + tableField: 'ano_censo', + resultField: 'year', + where: { + relation: '<=', + type: 'integer', + field: 'ano_censo' + } +}); + +function matchQueries(queryTotal, queryPartial) { + let match = []; + queryTotal.forEach((result) => { + let newObj = {}; + let keys = Object.keys(result); + keys.forEach((key) => { + newObj[key] = result[key]; + }); + let index = keys.indexOf('total'); + if(index > -1) keys.splice(index, 1); + let objMatch = null; + + for(let i = 0; i < queryPartial.length; ++i) { + let partial = queryPartial[i]; + let foundMatch = true; + for(let j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) { + let key = keys[j]; + if(partial[key] !== result[key]) { + foundMatch = false; + break; + } + } + if(foundMatch) { + objMatch = partial; + break; + } + } + + if(objMatch) { + newObj.percentage = ( / * 100; + newObj.partial =; + = + match.push(newObj); + } + }); + + return match; +} + +infrastructureApp.get('/', rqf.parse(),, (req, res, next) => { + req.querySet = []; + req.queryIndex = {}; + + // Local de funcionamento + let allSchools = req.sql.clone(); + allSchools.from('escola').field('COUNT(', 'total') + .field("'Brasil'", 'name') + .field('escola.ano_censo', 'year') + .group('escola.ano_censo') + .where('escola.situacao_de_funcionamento = 1') + .order('escola.ano_censo'); + req.queryIndex.allSchools = req.querySet.push(allSchools) - 1; + + let schoolPlace = allSchools.clone(); + schoolPlace.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1 AND escola.func_salas_empresa = 0 AND escola.func_templo_igreja = 0 AND escola.func_casa_professor = 0 AND escola.func_galpao = 0 AND escola.biblioteca = 1'); + req.queryIndex.schoolPlace = req.querySet.push(schoolPlace) - 1; + + // Bibliotecas + let allLibraries = allSchools.clone(); + allLibraries.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1 AND escola.cod_localizacao = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allLibraries = req.querySet.push(allLibraries) - 1; + + let haveLibraries = allLibraries.clone(); + haveLibraries.where('escola.biblioteca = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveLibraries = req.querySet.push(haveLibraries) - 1; + + // Bibliotecas/Sala de leitura + let allLibrariesReadingRoom = allSchools.clone(); + allLibrariesReadingRoom.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1 AND escola.cod_localizacao = 2'); + req.queryIndex.allLibrariesReadingRoom = req.querySet.push(allLibrariesReadingRoom) - 1; + + let haveLibrariesReadingRoom = allLibrariesReadingRoom.clone(); + haveLibrariesReadingRoom.where('escola.sala_leitura = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveLibrariesReadingRoom = req.querySet.push(haveLibrariesReadingRoom) - 1; + + // Laboratório de informática + let allInfLab = allSchools.clone(); + allInfLab.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1') + .where('escola.reg_fund_ai = 1 OR escola.reg_fund_af = 1 OR escola.reg_medio_medio = 1 OR escola.reg_medio_integrado = 1 OR escola.reg_medio_normal = 1 OR escola.ensino_eja_fund = 1 OR escola.ensino_eja_medio = 1 OR escola.ensino_eja_prof = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allInfLab = req.querySet.push(allInfLab) - 1; + + let haveInfLab = allInfLab.clone(); + haveInfLab.where('escola.lab_informatica = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveInfLab = req.querySet.push(haveInfLab) - 1; + + // Laboratório de ciências + let allScienceLab = allInfLab.clone(); + req.queryIndex.allScienceLab = req.querySet.push(allScienceLab) - 1; + + let haveScienceLab = allScienceLab.clone(); + haveScienceLab.where('escola.lab_ciencias = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveScienceLab = req.querySet.push(haveScienceLab) - 1; + + // Parque infantil + let allKidsPark = allSchools.clone(); + allKidsPark.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1') + .where('escola.reg_infantil_creche = 1 OR escola.reg_infantil_preescola = 1 OR escola.reg_fund_ai = 1 OR escola.esp_infantil_creche = 1 OR escola.esp_exclusiva_creche = 1 OR escola.reg_esp_exclusiva_fund_ai = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allKidsPark = req.querySet.push(allKidsPark) - 1; + + let haveKidsPark = allKidsPark.clone(); + haveKidsPark.where('escola.parque_infantil = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveKidsPark = req.querySet.push(haveKidsPark) - 1; + + // Berçário + let allCribs = allSchools.clone(); + allCribs.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1') + .where('escola.reg_infantil_creche = 1 OR escola.esp_infantil_creche = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allCribs = req.querySet.push(allCribs) - 1; + + let haveCribs = allCribs.clone(); + haveCribs.where('escola.bercario = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveCribs = req.querySet.push(haveCribs) - 1; + + // Quadra + let allSportsCourt = allScienceLab.clone(); + allSportsCourt.where('escola.cod_localizacao = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allSportsCourt = req.querySet.push(allSportsCourt) - 1; + + let haveSportsCourt = allSportsCourt.clone(); + haveSportsCourt.where('escola.quadra_esportes = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveSportsCourt = req.querySet.push(haveSportsCourt) - 1; + + // Quadra coberta + req.queryIndex.allCoveredSportsCourt = req.queryIndex.allSportsCourt; + + let haveCoveredSportsCourt = allSportsCourt.clone(); + haveCoveredSportsCourt.where('escola.quadra_esportes_coberta = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveCoveredSportsCourt = req.querySet.push(haveCoveredSportsCourt) - 1; + + // Quadra Descoberta + let allUncoveredSportsCourt = allSportsCourt.clone(); + allUncoveredSportsCourt.where('escola.quadra_esportes_coberta = 0'); + req.queryIndex.allUncoveredSportsCourt = req.querySet.push(allUncoveredSportsCourt) - 1; + + let haveUncoveredSportsCourt = allUncoveredSportsCourt.clone(); + haveUncoveredSportsCourt.where('escola.quadra_esportes_descoberta = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveUncoveredSportsCourt = req.querySet.push(haveUncoveredSportsCourt) - 1; + + // Sala de direção + let allDirectorRoom = allSchools.clone(); + allDirectorRoom.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1 AND escola.cod_localizacao = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allDirectorRoom = req.querySet.push(allDirectorRoom) - 1; + + let haveDirectorRoom = allDirectorRoom.clone(); + haveDirectorRoom.where('escola.sala_diretoria = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveDirectorRoom = req.querySet.push(haveDirectorRoom) - 1; + + // Secretaria + let allSecretary = allSchools.clone(); + allSecretary.where('escola.func_predio_escolar = 1'); + req.queryIndex.allSecretary = req.querySet.push(allSecretary) - 1; + + let haveSecretary = allSecretary.clone(); + haveSecretary.where('escola.secretaria = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveSecretary = req.querySet.push(haveSecretary) - 1; + + // Sala de professores + req.queryIndex.allTeacherRoom = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveTeacherRoom = allSecretary.clone(); + haveTeacherRoom.where('escola.sala_professor = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveTeacherRoom = req.querySet.push(haveTeacherRoom) - 1; + + // Cozinha + req.queryIndex.allKitchen = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveKitchen = allSecretary.clone(); + haveKitchen.where('escola.cozinha = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveKitchen = req.querySet.push(haveKitchen) - 1; + + // Despensa + req.queryIndex.allStoreroom = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveStoreroom = allSecretary.clone(); + haveStoreroom.where('escola.despensa = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveStoreroom = req.querySet.push(haveStoreroom) - 1; + + // Almoxarifado + req.queryIndex.allWarehouse = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveWarehouse = allSecretary.clone(); + haveWarehouse.where('escola.almoxarifado = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveWarehouse = req.querySet.push(haveWarehouse) - 1; + + // Internet + req.queryIndex.allInternet = req.queryIndex.allLibrariesReadingRoom; + + let haveInternet = allLibrariesReadingRoom.clone(); + haveInternet.where('escola.internet = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveInternet = req.querySet.push(haveInternet) - 1; + + // Internet banda larga + req.queryIndex.allBroadbandInternet = req.queryIndex.allLibraries; + + let haveBroadbandInternet = allLibraries.clone(); + haveBroadbandInternet.where('escola.internet_banda_larga = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveBroadbandInternet = req.querySet.push(haveBroadbandInternet) - 1; + + // Banheiro dentro do prédio + req.queryIndex.allInsideBathroom = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveInsideBathroom = allSecretary.clone(); + haveInsideBathroom.where('escola.sanitario_dentro_predio = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveInsideBathroom = req.querySet.push(haveInsideBathroom) - 1; + + // Banheiro adequado para educação infantil dentro do prédio + req.queryIndex.allInsideKidsBathroom = req.queryIndex.allKidsPark; + + let haveInsideKidsBathroom = allKidsPark.clone(); + haveInsideKidsBathroom.where('escola.sanitario_ei = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveInsideKidsBathroom = req.querySet.push(haveInsideKidsBathroom) - 1; + + // Fornecimento de energia + req.queryIndex.allEletricEnergy = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveEletricEnergy = allSecretary.clone(); + haveEletricEnergy.where('escola.fornecimento_energia = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveEletricEnergy = req.querySet.push(haveEletricEnergy) - 1; + + // Abastecimento de água + req.queryIndex.allWaterSupply = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveWaterSupply = allSecretary.clone(); + haveWaterSupply.where('escola.fornecimento_agua = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveWaterSupply = req.querySet.push(haveWaterSupply) - 1; + + // Ãgua filtrada + req.queryIndex.allFilteredWater = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveFilteredWater = allSecretary.clone(); + haveFilteredWater.where('escola.agua_filtrada = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveFilteredWater = req.querySet.push(haveFilteredWater) - 1; + + // Coleta de esgoto + req.queryIndex.allSewage = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveSewage = allSecretary.clone(); + haveSewage.where('escola.esgoto_sanitario = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveSewage = req.querySet.push(haveSewage) - 1; + + // Sala de recursos multifuncionais para Atendimento Educacional Especializado + req.queryIndex.allMultifunctionRoom = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveMultifunctionRoom = allSecretary.clone(); + haveMultifunctionRoom.where('escola.sala_atendimento_especial = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveMultifunctionRoom = req.querySet.push(haveMultifunctionRoom) - 1; + + // Banheiros adaptados para pessoas com deficiências + req.queryIndex.allSpecialBathroom = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveSpecialBathroom = allSecretary.clone(); + haveSpecialBathroom.where('escola.sanitario_pne = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveSpecialBathroom = req.querySet.push(haveSpecialBathroom) - 1; + + // Dependências adaptada para pessoas com deficiências + req.queryIndex.allAdaptedBuilding = req.queryIndex.allSecretary; + + let haveAdaptedBuilding = allSecretary.clone(); + haveAdaptedBuilding.where('escola.dependencias_pne = 1'); + req.queryIndex.haveAdaptedBuilding = req.querySet.push(haveAdaptedBuilding) - 1; + + next(); +}, multiQuery, (req, res, next) => { + // Faz o matching entre os resultados + let school_place = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allSchools], req.result[req.queryIndex.schoolPlace]); + let libraries = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allLibraries], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveLibraries]); + let libraries_reading_room = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allLibrariesReadingRoom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveLibrariesReadingRoom]); + let computer_lab = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allInfLab], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveInfLab]); + let science_lab = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allScienceLab], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveScienceLab]); + let kids_park = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allKidsPark], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveKidsPark]); + let nursery = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allCribs], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveCribs]); + let sports_court = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allSportsCourt], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveSportsCourt]); + let covered_sports_court = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allCoveredSportsCourt], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveCoveredSportsCourt]); + let uncovered_sports_court = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allUncoveredSportsCourt], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveUncoveredSportsCourt]); + let director_room = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allDirectorRoom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveDirectorRoom]); + let secretary = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allSecretary], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveSecretary]); + let teacher_room = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allTeacherRoom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveTeacherRoom]); + let kitchen = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allKitchen], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveKitchen]); + let storeroom = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allStoreroom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveStoreroom]); + let warehouse = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allWarehouse], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveWarehouse]); + let internet = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allInternet], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveInternet]); + let broadband_internet = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allBroadbandInternet], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveBroadbandInternet]); + let inside_bathroom = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allInsideBathroom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveInsideBathroom]); + let inside_kids_bathroom = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allInsideKidsBathroom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveInsideKidsBathroom]); + let eletric_energy = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allEletricEnergy], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveEletricEnergy]); + let water_supply = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allWaterSupply], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveWaterSupply]); + let filtered_water = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allFilteredWater], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveFilteredWater]); + let sewage_treatment = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allSewage], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveSewage]); + let special_multifunction_room = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allMultifunctionRoom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveMultifunctionRoom]); + let special_bathroom = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allSpecialBathroom], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveSpecialBathroom]); + let adapted_building = matchQueries(req.result[req.queryIndex.allAdaptedBuilding], req.result[req.queryIndex.haveAdaptedBuilding]); + + req.result = [{ + school_place, + libraries, + libraries_reading_room, + computer_lab, + science_lab, + kids_park, + nursery, + sports_court, + covered_sports_court, + uncovered_sports_court, + director_room, + secretary, + teacher_room, + kitchen, + storeroom, + warehouse, + internet, + broadband_internet, + inside_bathroom, + inside_kids_bathroom, + eletric_energy, + water_supply, + filtered_water, + sewage_treatment, + special_multifunction_room, + special_bathroom, + adapted_building + }]; + + next(); +}, id2str.multitransform(false), response('infrastructure')); + +module.exports = infrastructureApp; -- GitLab