diff --git a/src/libs/routes/api.js b/src/libs/routes/api.js
index b4648cc44b8f43a3b0254b518f6e092335303171..7353dfd144c09add582aab1262ee8e29248c39a2 100644
--- a/src/libs/routes/api.js
+++ b/src/libs/routes/api.js
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ const idhm = require('./idhm');
 const idhmr = require('./idhmr');
+const idhml = require('./idhml');
 api.get('/', (req, res) => {
     res.json({ msg: 'SimCAQ API is running' });
@@ -61,5 +63,6 @@ api.use('/idhm', cache('1 day'), idhm);
 api.use('/idhme', cache('15 day'), idhme);
 api.use('/pibpercapita', cache('1 day'), pibpercapita);
 api.use('/population', cache('1 day'), population);
+api.use('/idhml', cache('1 day'), idhml);
 module.exports = api;
diff --git a/src/libs/routes/idhml.js b/src/libs/routes/idhml.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee0526f95d0241ea2d466c1aff3dd9cb31145031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/routes/idhml.js
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+const express = require('express');
+const idhmlApp = express.Router();
+const libs = `${process.cwd()}/libs`;
+const squel = require('squel');
+const query = require(`${libs}/middlewares/query`);
+const response = require(`${libs}/middlewares/response`);
+const id2str = require(`${libs}/middlewares/id2str`);
+const ReqQueryFields = require(`${libs}/middlewares/reqQueryFields`);
+let rqf = new ReqQueryFields();
+idhmlApp.get('/year_range', (req, res, next) => {
+    req.sql.from('adh_idh')
+    .field('MIN(adh_idh.ano_censo)', 'start_year')
+    .field('MAX(adh_idh.ano_censo)', 'end_year');
+    next();
+}, query, (req, res, next) => {
+    req.sql.from('adh_idh_uf')
+    .field('MIN(adh_idh_uf.ano_censo)', 'start_year')
+    .field('MAX(adh_idh_uf.ano_censo)', 'end_year');
+    req.old_result = req.result;
+    next();
+}, query, (req, res, next) => {
+    // console.log(req.old_result[0].start_year);
+    // console.log(req.result[0].start_year);
+    if (req.old_result[0].start_year < req.result[0].start_year) {
+        req.result[0].start_year = req.old_result[0].start_year;
+    }
+    if (req.old_result[0].end_year > req.result[0].end_year) {
+        req.result[0].end_year = req.old_result[0].old_result;
+    }
+    next();
+}, query, response('range'));
+    name: 'filter',
+    field: false,
+    where: true
+    name: 'city',
+    table: 'municipio',
+    tableField: 'nome',
+    resultField: 'city_name',
+    where: {
+        relation: '=',
+        type: 'integer',
+        field: 'municipio_id',
+        table: 'adh_idh'
+    },
+    join: {
+        primary: 'id',
+        foreign: 'municipio_id',
+        foreignTable: 'adh_idh'
+    }
+    name: 'min_year',
+    table: '@',
+    tableField: 'ano_censo',
+    resultField: 'year',
+    where: {
+        relation: '>=',
+        type: 'integer',
+        table: '@',
+        field: 'ano_censo'
+    }
+    name: 'max_year',
+    table: '@',
+    tableField: 'ano_censo',
+    resultField: 'year',
+    where: {
+        relation: '<=',
+        type: 'integer',
+        table: '@',
+        field: 'ano_censo'
+    }
+    name: 'state',
+    table: 'estado',
+    tableField: 'nome',
+    resultField: 'state_name',
+    where: {
+        relation: '=',
+        type: 'integer',
+        field: 'estado_id',
+        table: 'adh_idh_uf'
+    },
+    join: {
+        primary: 'id',
+        foreign: 'estado_id',
+        foreignTable: 'adh_idh_uf'
+    }
+idhmlApp.get('/', rqf.parse(), (req, res, next) => {
+    if(typeof req.filter === 'undefined' || Object.keys(req.filter).length === 0) {
+        res.status(400);
+        next({
+            status: 400,
+            message: 'Wrong/No filter specified'
+        });
+    }
+    if ("state" in req.filter) {
+        req.sql.from('adh_idh_uf')
+        .field('adh_idh_uf.idhm_l', 'IDHML')
+        .field('adh_idh_uf.ano_censo', 'year')
+        .field('adh_idh_uf.estado_id', 'state_id');
+    } else if ("city" in req.filter) {
+        req.sql.from('adh_idh')
+        .field('adh_idh.idhm_l', 'IDHML')
+        .field('adh_idh.ano_censo', 'year')
+        .field('adh_idh.municipio_id', 'city_id');
+    } else {
+        next({
+            status: 400,
+            message: 'Wrong/No filter specified'
+        });
+    }
+    next();
+}, rqf.build(), query, response('idhml'));
+module.exports = idhmlApp;
diff --git a/src/test/idhml.js b/src/test/idhml.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d471d45867ae843e2f7b6735634f5623fc9db60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/idhml.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
+const chai = require('chai');
+const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai');
+const chaiXml = require('chai-xml');
+const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
+const assert = chai.assert;
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const should = chai.should(); // actually call the function
+const libs = `${process.cwd()}/libs`;
+const server = require(`${libs}/app`);
+describe('request idhml', () => {
+    it('should list the year range', (done) => {
+        chai.request(server)
+            .get('/api/v1/idhml/year_range')
+            .end((err, res) => {
+                res.should.have.status(200);
+                res.should.be.json;
+                res.body.should.have.property('result');
+                res.body.result.should.be.a('array');
+                res.body.result[0].should.have.property('start_year');
+                res.body.result[0].should.have.property('end_year');
+                done();
+            });
+    });
+    it('should list idhml with valid filters', (done) => {
+        chai.request(server)
+            .get('/api/v1/idhml?filter=min_year:2000,state:41')
+            .end((err, res) => {
+                res.should.have.status(200);
+                res.should.be.json;
+                res.body.should.have.property('result');
+                res.body.result.should.be.a('array');
+                res.body.result[0].should.have.property('IDHML');
+                res.body.result[0].should.have.property('year');
+                res.body.result[0].should.have.property('state_id');
+                done();
+            });
+    });
+    it('should list idhml with invalid filters', (done) => {
+        chai.request(server)
+            .get('/api/v1/idhml?filter=foo:2010,bar:41')
+            .end((err, res) => {
+                res.should.have.status(400);
+                res.should.be.json;
+                res.body.should.have.property('error');
+                res.body.error.should.be.equal('Wrong/No filter specified');
+                done();
+            });
+    });
+    it('should return 400 with no filters', (done) => {
+        chai.request(server)
+            .get('/api/v1/idhml')
+            .end((err, res) => {
+                res.should.have.status(400);
+                res.should.be.json;
+                res.body.should.have.property('error');
+                res.body.error.should.be.equal('Wrong/No filter specified');
+                done();
+            })
+    });