const express = require('express'); const classroomCountApp = express.Router(); const libs = `${process.cwd()}/libs`; const squel = require('squel'); const query = require(`${libs}/middlewares/query`).query; const response = require(`${libs}/middlewares/response`); const ReqQueryFields = require(`${libs}/middlewares/reqQueryFields`); const id2str = require(`${libs}/middlewares/id2str`); const addMissing = require(`${libs}/middlewares/addMissing`); const config = require(`${libs}/config`); const cache = require('apicache').options({ debug: config.debug, statusCodes: {include: [200]} }).middleware; let rqf = new ReqQueryFields(); rqf.addField({ name: 'filter', field: false, where: true }).addField({ name: 'dims', field: true, where: false }).addValueToField({ name: 'city', table: 'municipio', tableField: 'nome', resultField: 'city_name', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'municipio_id', table: '@' }, join: { primary: 'id', foreign: 'municipio_id', foreignTable: '@' } }, 'filter').addValueToField({ name: 'city', table: 'municipio', tableField: ['nome', 'id'], resultField: ['city_name', 'city_id'], where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'id' }, join: { primary: 'id', foreign: 'municipio_id', foreignTable: '@' } }, 'dims').addValueToField({ name: 'state', table: 'estado', tableField: 'nome', resultField: 'state_name', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'estado_id', table: '@' }, join: { primary: 'id', foreign: 'estado_id', foreignTable: '@' } }, 'filter').addValueToField({ name: 'state', table: 'estado', tableField: ['nome', 'id'], resultField: ['state_name', 'state_id'], where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'id', }, join: { primary: 'id', foreign: 'estado_id', foreignTable: '@' } }, 'dims').addValue({ name: 'region', table: 'regiao', tableField: 'nome', resultField: 'region_name', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'id' }, join: { primary: 'id', foreign: 'regiao_id', foreignTable: '@' } }).addValue({ name: 'min_year', table: '@', tableField: 'ano_censo', resultField: 'year', where: { relation: '>=', type: 'integer', field: 'ano_censo' } }).addValue({ name: 'max_year', table: '@', tableField: 'ano_censo', resultField: 'year', where: { relation: '<=', type: 'integer', field: 'ano_censo' } }).addValue({ name: 'school_year', table: '@', tableField: 'serie_ano_id', resultField: 'school_year_id', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'serie_ano_id' } }).addValue({ name: 'location', table: '@', tableField: 'localizacao_id', resultField: 'location_id', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'localizacao_id' } }).addValue({ name: 'period', table: '@', tableField: 'turma_turno_id', resultField: 'period_id', where: { relation: '=', type: 'integer', field: 'turma_turno_id' } });'/', rqf.parse(), (req, res, next) => { let classSize = JSON.parse(req.body.class_size) || null; let integralTime = JSON.parse(req.body.integral_time) || null; console.log(classSize, integralTime); if(classSize == null || integralTime == null) { res.statusCode = 400; return res.json({err: {message: "There was an error processing class_size or integral_time. Check your JSON sintax and be sure you're sending both paramenters."}}); } req.classSize = classSize; req.integralTime = integralTime; req.dims.state = true; = true; req.dims.period = true; req.dims.school_year = true; req.dims.location = true; req.sql.field('COUNT(*)', 'total') .field("'Brasil'", 'name') .field('matricula.ano_censo', 'year') .from('matricula') .group('matricula.ano_censo') .order('matricula.ano_censo') .where('matricula.tipo<=3') .where('matricula.dependencia_adm_id < 4'); next(); },, query, id2str.transform(), (req, res, next) => { req.enrollment = req.result; // Gera a relação etapa de ensino X ano escolar req.educationSchoolYear = {}; for(let i = 10; i < 80; ++i) { if(id2str.schoolYear(i) !== id2str.schoolYear(99)) { let educationLevelId = Math.floor(i/10); let classSize = req.classSize.find((el) => {return === educationLevelId}); let integralTime = req.integralTime.find((el) => {return === educationLevelId}); let numberStudentClass = (typeof classSize !== 'undefined') ? classSize.numberStudentClass : null; let offerGoal = (typeof integralTime !== 'undefined') ? integralTime.offerGoal : null; req.educationSchoolYear[i] = { id: educationLevelId, name: id2str.educationLevelShort(educationLevelId), numberStudentClass, offerGoal }; } } req.resetSql(); next(); }, rqf.parse(), (req, res, next) => { req.dims.state = true; = true; req.dims.location = true; req.sql.field('SUM(escola.num_salas)', 'total') .field("'Brasil'", 'name') .field('escola.ano_censo', 'year') .from('escola') .group('escola.ano_censo') .order('escola.ano_censo') .where('escola.situacao_de_funcionamento = 1 AND escola.local_func_predio_escolar = 1') .where('escola.dependencia_adm_id < 4'); next(); },, query, id2str.transform(), (req, res, next) => { delete req.dims; delete req.filter; next(); }, rqf.parse(),, (req, res, next) => { req.classroom = req.result; let classroom = []; // req.result = [{classroom: req.classroom, enrollment: req.enrollment}]; return next(); // Cria estrutura de resposta requisitada: let i = 0; let j = 0; let result = []; let hashSet = new Set(); let enrollments = [...req.enrollment]; let leftovers = []; while (i < req.classroom.length) { let classroom = req.classroom[i]; // Cria hash única para cada espacialidade, dado um ano let hash = '' + classroom.year + classroom.state_id + classroom.city_id; // Estrutura do objeto do resultado final let obj = { year: classroom.year, name:, state_id: classroom.state_id, state_name: classroom.state_name, city_id: classroom.city_id, city_name: classroom.city_name, locations: [] }; let currentClassroomObj = null; if( !hashSet.has(hash) ) { hashSet.add(hash); result.push(obj); currentClassroomObj = obj; } else { // Se a hash já existe, já temos a cidade nos resultados. Como está ordenado, é o último valor nos resultados currentClassroomObj = result[result.length - 1]; } // Inserimos a localidade no array de locations da sala let location = { location_id: classroom.location_id, location_name: classroom.location_name, total_classroom: parseInt(, 10), total_classroom_be_built: 0, education_level: [] }; currentClassroomObj.locations.push(location); // Partimos para as etapas de ensino/anos escolares let enrollmentMatch = true; j = 0; let educationLevelSet = new Set(); let enrollment = enrollments[j]; while(enrollmentMatch && j < enrollments.length) { enrollment = enrollments[j]; // Remove se o período é nulo (não dá pra usar no cálculo) if(enrollment.period_id == null) { enrollments.splice(j, 1); continue; } if(typeof enrollment === 'undefined') { ++j; continue; } if(classroom.city_name < enrollment.city_name) { // Se as cidades não são iguais, já passamos do range enrollmentMatch = false; continue; } else if(classroom.city_name > enrollment.city_name) { let enrollmentHash = '' + enrollment.year + enrollment.state_id + enrollment.city_id; if(hashSet.has(enrollmentHash)) { leftovers.push(enrollments.splice(j, 1)); // Para inspeção, adiciona os que "sobram" no array de sobras } else { ++j; } continue; } if(enrollment.year != classroom.year || enrollment.location_id != classroom.location_id) { // Se ano ou localização são diferentes, passa para o próximo ++j; continue; } // Temos uma matrícula com cidade, ano e localidades certos // "Consome" a matrícula (remove do vetor de matrículas) enrollments.splice(j, 1); // Cria a etapa de ensino adequada let enrollmentEducationLevel = req.educationSchoolYear[enrollment.school_year_id]; // Se não há um número de alunos por turna para a etapa de ensino, ignoramos a entrada if(enrollmentEducationLevel.numberStudentClass == null) continue; let educationLevel = null; if(!educationLevelSet.has( { educationLevelSet.add(; educationLevel = { education_level_short_id:, education_level_short_name:, enrollment: { total_enrollment_day: 0, total_enrollment_night: 0, full_period_classes: 0, day_classes: 0, night_classes: 0, total_classrooms_needed: 0 } }; // Para manter a ordem da etapa de ensino if (location.education_level.length == 0) { location.education_level.push(educationLevel); } else { let k = location.education_level.length - 1; let el = location.education_level[k]; while (k >= 0) { if(educationLevel.education_level_short_id < el.education_level_short_id) { --k; if(k>=0) el = location.education_level[k]; } else break; } k++; location.education_level.splice(k, 0, educationLevel); } } else { let k = 0; let el = location.education_level[k]; while(k < location.education_level.length) { if(el.education_level_short_id != { ++k; if(k<location.education_level.length) el = location.education_level[k]; } else break; } if(k >= location.education_level.length) --k; educationLevel = location.education_level[k]; } // Soma os totais de matrícula da etapa de ensino educationLevel.enrollment.total_enrollment_day += (enrollment.period_id < 3 && enrollment.period_id != null) ? : 0; educationLevel.enrollment.total_enrollment_night += (enrollment.period_id == 3) ? : 0; // Calcula o número de turmas parcial // Turmas de período integral educationLevel.enrollment.full_period_classes = Math.ceil((educationLevel.enrollment.total_enrollment_day * (enrollmentEducationLevel.offerGoal/100)) / enrollmentEducationLevel.numberStudentClass); // Turmas diurnas // Matrículas diurnas - matrículas integrais educationLevel.enrollment.day_classes = Math.ceil((educationLevel.enrollment.total_enrollment_day * (1 - enrollmentEducationLevel.offerGoal/100)) / enrollmentEducationLevel.numberStudentClass); // Turmas noturnas educationLevel.enrollment.night_classes = Math.ceil((educationLevel.enrollment.total_enrollment_night / enrollmentEducationLevel.numberStudentClass)); // Total de salas educationLevel.enrollment.total_classrooms_needed = (educationLevel.enrollment.full_period_classes + educationLevel.enrollment.day_classes); if(educationLevel.enrollment.night_classes > educationLevel.enrollment.day_classes) educationLevel.enrollment.total_classrooms_needed += (educationLevel.enrollment.night_classes - educationLevel.enrollment.day_classes); enrollment = enrollments[j]; } // Calculamos o total classroom be built para o município usando reduce location.total_classroom_be_built = location.education_level.reduce((total, atual) => { return total + atual.enrollment.total_classrooms_needed; }, 0) - location.total_classroom; if(location.total_classroom_be_built < 0) location.total_classroom_be_built = 0; ++i; } // Agregar por estado e brasil let reduction = null; if(req.dims.state || ! { // Se um dos dois acontecer, sabemos que devemos agregar let i = 0; reduction = []; let reductionSet = new Set(); while (i < result.length) { let city = result[i]; let obj = { year: city.year, name: } if(req.dims.state) { obj.state_id = city.state_id; obj.state_name = city.state_name; } obj.locations = []; let hash = '' + city.year; if(req.dims.state) hash += '' + city.state_id; let currentObj = null; if(!reductionSet.has(hash)) { reductionSet.add(hash); reduction.push(obj); currentObj = obj; } else { // Está ordenado, podemos pegar o último currentObj = reduction[reduction.length - 1]; } // Fazer "merge" do array locations da cidade com o da agregação if(currentObj.locations.length == 0) { // Pode ser que a cidade atual tenha menos localidades que o total (só urbana ou só rural) currentObj.locations = []; } else { let j = 0; let k = 0; let cityLocation = null; let currentLocation = null; while((typeof cityLocation !== 'undefined') && (typeof currentLocation !== 'undefined')) { cityLocation = city.locations[j]; currentLocation = currentObj.locations[k]; if(cityLocation.location_id < currentLocation.location_id) { ++j; cityLocation = city.locations[j]; continue; } else if(cityLocation.location_id > currentLocation.location_id) { ++k; currentLocation = currentObj.locations[k]; // Se a localidade da cidade é maior que a localidade do objeto atual E o vetor de localidades do objeto atual // acaba, então esta localidade falta no objeto atual, pois as localidades estão ordenadas if(typeof currentLocation == 'undefined' && typeof cityLocation !== 'undefined') { currentObj.locations[k] = cityLocation; currentLocation = currentObj.locations[k]; } continue; } // Fazer "merge" do array education_level if(currentLocation.education_level.length == 0) { currentLocation.education_level = [...cityLocation.education_level]; } else { let l = 0; while(l < cityLocation.education_level.length) { let cityEducation = cityLocation.education_level[l]; let m = 0; let currentEducation = currentLocation.education_level[m]; while(m < currentLocation.education_level.length && cityEducation.education_level_short_id > currentEducation.education_level_short_id) { ++m; currentEducation = currentLocation.education_level[m]; } if(m >= currentLocation.education_level.length) --m; currentEducation = currentLocation.education_level[m]; if(currentEducation.education_level_short_id == cityEducation.education_level_short_id) { currentEducation.enrollment.total_enrollment_day += cityEducation.enrollment.total_enrollment_day; currentEducation.enrollment.total_enrollment_night += cityEducation.enrollment.total_enrollment_night; currentEducation.enrollment.full_period_classes += cityEducation.enrollment.full_period_classes; currentEducation.enrollment.day_classes += cityEducation.enrollment.day_classes; currentEducation.enrollment.night_classes += cityEducation.enrollment.night_classes; currentEducation.enrollment.total_classrooms_needed += cityEducation.enrollment.total_classrooms_needed; } else { if(currentEducation.education_level_short_id < cityEducation.education_level_short_id) { currentLocation.education_level.splice(++m, 0, cityEducation); } else { currentLocation.education_level.splice(m, 0, cityEducation); } } ++l; } } currentLocation.total_classroom += cityLocation.total_classroom; currentLocation.total_classroom_be_built += cityLocation.total_classroom_be_built; ++j; cityLocation = city.locations[j]; } } ++i; } } req.result = {result: reduction || result, leftovers}; next(); }, response('classroom_count')); module.exports = classroomCountApp;