diff --git a/update/agent/src/linux/datasid-parse.cpp b/update/agent/src/linux/datasid-parse.cpp
index f58bfc3d8784cbc4e7ee668b476cda52d7b0133e..1ff26c8e351e8aa81fd4c9ebb9fc9af5311939a6 100644
--- a/update/agent/src/linux/datasid-parse.cpp
+++ b/update/agent/src/linux/datasid-parse.cpp
@@ -96,14 +96,20 @@ bool isValid(std::string* line) {
     int i = 0;
+    std::cout << "line: "  << (*line) << std::endl;
     /* if the line is a comment */
     if (std::regex_match((*line), std::regex("((\\/\\/)|(\\/\\*)|(\\#))(.*)")))
         return false;
-    /* if the line start with a different character than quote */
+    /* 
+    * if the line start with a different character than quote 
+    * Note: this work only for character = letter.
+    * Case a special character, like ":", "#", it doesn't work.
+    */
-    if (std::regex_match((*line), std::regex("((\\=)|(\\])|(\\[)|(\\{)|(\\})|(\\:))(.*)")))
+    if (!std::regex_match((*line), std::regex("(\")(.*)")))
         return false;