diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index b60b091fb972ce432a7b1f592ca3fd5d845b76a1..f7662707c8a4535af7093a1660db7d49645ef0cb 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
 and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## 0.0.6 - 01-04-2019
+### Changed
+- Input class to match with database model (Add id and description) (Horstmann)
+- Form class to match with database model (Remove version add description) (Horstmann)
+- enumHandler to remove sides whitespaces (Horstmann)
+### Added
+- Create readForm method to read form from database #7 (Horstmann)
+- Create readInput method to read input from database #7 (Horstmann)
+- Create writeForm method to insert form into database (Horstmann)
+- Comments to coverage ignore errors that are not reached on tests.
 ## 0.0.5 - 19-03-2019
 ### Changed
 - Remove tslint-stylish from package.json, package is deprecated (Horstmann)
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index af7ad31957e9846b4cd4784eba69515180b96a6d..515db70e98aa366e6e62163beba5a041dd2f46c8 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "form-creator-api",
-  "version": "0.0.5",
+  "version": "0.0.6",
   "description": "RESTful API used to manage and answer forms.",
   "main": "index.js",
   "scripts": {
diff --git a/src/core/form.ts b/src/core/form.ts
index 62e702e9ba5a7a46a90542b268d700ade281ef00..9e5b53aaa365a30a1eb92bff8d384964cd4555ca 100644
--- a/src/core/form.ts
+++ b/src/core/form.ts
@@ -20,28 +20,32 @@
  import { Input } from "./input";
   * Form Class to manage project's forms
  export class Form {
-     /** Form Header, as name and propose */
-     public readonly header: string;
+     /** Unique identifier of a Form instance */
+     public readonly id: number;
+     /** Form's title. An human-understandable identifier. Not unique */
+     public readonly title: string;
+     /** Form Description, as propose */
+     public readonly description: string;
      /** Array of input. containing question */
      public readonly inputs: Input[];
-     /** Version, a incremental numbert */
-     public readonly version: number;
      * Creates a new instance of Input Class
-     * @param header - Forms's name and propose.
+     * @param title - Form's title.
+     * @param description - Form's description
      * @param inputs - Forms's question
-     * @param version - Incremental version of Form
+     * @param id - Form's identifier
-     constructor(header: string, inputs: Input[], version: number) {
-         this.header = header;
+     constructor(title: string, description: string, inputs: Input[], id?: number) {
+         this.id =  id ? id : null;
+         this.title = title;
+         this.description = description;
          this.inputs = inputs;
-         this.version = version;
diff --git a/src/core/input.ts b/src/core/input.ts
index caf211c92f6fb6958c2e1c2b25b9b8fe4c9b95e3..ec01a8b62aa77ab9de92f5a118060f5859789996 100644
--- a/src/core/input.ts
+++ b/src/core/input.ts
@@ -35,8 +35,12 @@ export interface Validation {
 export class Input {
+    /** Unique identifier of a Input instance. */
+    public readonly id: number;
     /** Place where input should be in the form. */
     public readonly placement: number;
+    /** Input's Description */
+    public readonly description: string;
     /** Question of input */
     public readonly question: string;
     /** Type of input */
@@ -47,12 +51,17 @@ export class Input {
      * Creates a new instance of Input Class
      * @param placement - Question position in forms.
+     * @param description - Input description
      * @param question - Input question of this input
      * @param type - InputType
      * @param validation - Array of Validation
+     * @param id - Input identifier
-    constructor(placement: number, question: string, type: InputType, validation: Validation[]) {
+    constructor(placement: number, description: string, question: string, type: InputType, validation: Validation[], id?: number) {
+        this.id =  id ? id : null;
         this.placement = placement;
+        this.description = description;
         this.question = question;
         this.type = type;
         this.validation = validation;
diff --git a/src/utils/dbHandler.spec.ts b/src/utils/dbHandler.spec.ts
index b4af1afa8f6a7692bd72811b7174a0f842c8118a..bbbc71a281a594ddb9798e1419cec2565ede62e7 100644
--- a/src/utils/dbHandler.spec.ts
+++ b/src/utils/dbHandler.spec.ts
@@ -21,546 +21,361 @@
 import { series } from "async";
 import { expect } from "chai";
 import { QueryResult } from "pg";
+import { Form } from "../core/form";
+import { Input, Validation } from "../core/input";
 import { configs } from "./config";
 import { DbHandler } from "./dbHandler";
+import { InputType, ValidationType } from "./enumHandler";
 describe("Database Handler", () => {
     const dbhandler = new DbHandler(configs.poolconfig);
     it("should insert a form", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO form(id, title, description)\
-                VALUES\
-                (1, 'Form Title 1', 'Form Description 1');", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO form(id, title, description)\
+        VALUES\
+        (4, 'Form Title 4', 'Form Description 4');", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(1);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(1);
+    it("should insert a form and then rollback", (done) => {
+    series([
+        (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+            dbhandler.begin(cb);
+        },
+        (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+            dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO form(id, title, description)\
+            VALUES\
+            (5, 'Form Title 5', 'Form Description 6');", callback);
+        },
+        (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+            dbhandler.rollback(cb);
+        }
+    ], (err, results) => {
+        expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+        expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
+        expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+        expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(1);
+        expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("ROLLBACK");
+        done();
+        });
+    });
     it("should select all forms", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM form;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM form;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(3);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(4);
     it("should remove non existent form", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form WHERE id=5;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form WHERE id=5;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
     it("should remove existent form", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form WHERE id=1;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(1);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form WHERE id=4;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(1);
     it("should insert a input", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input(id, id_form, placement, input_type, question, description)\
-                VALUES\
-                (9, 2, 3,'TEXT', 'Question 3 Form 2', 'Description Question 3 Form 2'),\
-                (10, 2, 4,'TEXT', 'Question 4 Form 2', 'Description Question 4 Form 2');", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input(id, id_form, placement, input_type, question, description)\
+        VALUES\
+        (9, 2, 3,'TEXT', 'Question 3 Form 2', 'Description Question 3 Form 2'),\
+        (10, 2, 4,'TEXT', 'Question 4 Form 2', 'Description Question 4 Form 2');",  (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should select all inputs", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(8);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(9);
     it("should remove non existent input", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input WHERE id=11;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input WHERE id=11;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
     it("should remove existent input", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input WHERE id=9 OR id=10;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input WHERE id=9 OR id=10;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should insert a input validations", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_validation(id, id_input, validation_type)\
-                VALUES\
-                (9, 2, 'MAXCHAR'),\
-                (10, 5, 'MANDATORY');", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_validation(id, id_input, validation_type)\
+        VALUES\
+        (9, 2, 'MAXCHAR'),\
+        (10, 5, 'MANDATORY');", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should select all input validations", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_validation;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_validation;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(9);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(10);
     it("should remove non existent input validations", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation WHERE id=11;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
-            done();
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation WHERE id=11;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
+            done();
     it("should remove existent input validations", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation WHERE id=9 OR id=10;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
-            done();
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation WHERE id=9 OR id=10;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
+            done();
     it("should insert a input validations arguments", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_validation_argument(id, id_input_validation, placement, argument)\
-                VALUES\
-                (5, 1, 2, '10'),\
-                (6, 2, 2, '2');", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_validation_argument(id, id_input_validation, placement, argument)\
+        VALUES\
+        (5, 1, 2, '10'),\
+        (6, 2, 2, '2');", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should select all input validations arguments", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_validation_argument;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_validation_argument;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(5);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(6);
     it("should remove non existent input validations arguments", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation_argument WHERE id=11;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation_argument WHERE id=11;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
     it("should remove existent input validations arguments", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation_argument WHERE id=5 OR id=6;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_validation_argument WHERE id=5 OR id=6;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should insert a form answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO form_answer(id, id_form, answered_at)\
-                VALUES\
-                (7, 2, '2018-07-02 10:10:25-03'),\
-                (8, 3, '2018-06-03 10:11:25-03');", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO form_answer(id, id_form, answered_at)\
+        VALUES\
+        (7, 2, '2018-07-02 10:10:25-03'),\
+        (8, 3, '2018-06-03 10:11:25-03');", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should select all form answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM form_answer;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM form_answer;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(7);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(8);
     it("should remove non existent form answer", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form_answer WHERE id=11;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form_answer WHERE id=11;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
     it("should remove existent form answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form_answer WHERE id=7 OR id=8;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM form_answer WHERE id=7 OR id=8;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should insert a input answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_answer(id, id_form_answer, id_input, value, placement)\
-                VALUES\
-                (15,1, 6,'Answer to Question 1 Form 3',1),\
-                (16,1, 7,'Answer to Question 2 Form 3',2);", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("INSERT INTO input_answer(id, id_form_answer, id_input, value, placement)\
+        VALUES\
+        (15,1, 6,'Answer to Question 1 Form 3',1),\
+        (16,1, 7,'Answer to Question 2 Form 3',2);", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("INSERT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
     it("should select all form answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_answer;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results: any[]) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM input_answer;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(15);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("SELECT");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(16);
     it("should remove non existent input answer", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_answer WHERE id=17;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_answer WHERE id=17;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
+            done();
+        });
+    });
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(0);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+    it("should remove existent input answers", (done) => {
+        dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_answer WHERE id=15 OR id=16;", (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(result.command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
+            expect(result.rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
+        });
+    });
+describe("Read and Write on Database", () => {
+    const dbhandler = new DbHandler(configs.poolconfig);
+    it("should read an existent form", (done) => {
+        dbhandler.readForm(1, (err: Error, form: Form) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(form.id).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.title).to.be.equal("Form Title 1");
+            expect(form.description).to.be.equal("Form Description 1");
+            expect(form.inputs.length).to.be.equal(3);
+            expect(form.inputs[0].id).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.inputs[0].placement).to.be.equal(0);
+            expect(form.inputs[0].description).to.be.equal("Description Question 1 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[0].question).to.be.equal("Question 1 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[0].type).to.be.equal(InputType.TEXT);
+            expect(form.inputs[0].validation.length).to.be.equal(0);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].id).to.be.equal(3);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].placement).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].description).to.be.equal("Description Question 2 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[1].question).to.be.equal("Question 2 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[1].type).to.be.equal(InputType.TEXT);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation.length).to.be.equal(2);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[0].type).to.be.equal(ValidationType.MAXCHAR);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[0].arguments.length).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[0].arguments[0]).to.be.equal("10");
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[1].type).to.be.equal(ValidationType.MINCHAR);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[1].arguments.length).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.inputs[1].validation[1].arguments[0]).to.be.equal("2");
+            expect(form.inputs[2].id).to.be.equal(2);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].placement).to.be.equal(2);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].description).to.be.equal("Description Question 3 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[2].question).to.be.equal("Question 3 Form 1");
+            expect(form.inputs[2].type).to.be.equal(InputType.TEXT);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation.length).to.be.equal(2);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation[0].type).to.be.equal(ValidationType.REGEX);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation[0].arguments.length).to.be.equal(1);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation[0].arguments[0]).to.be.equal("\\d{5}-\\d{3}");
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation[1].type).to.be.equal(ValidationType.MANDATORY);
+            expect(form.inputs[2].validation[1].arguments.length).to.be.equal(0);
+            done();
-    it("should remove existent input answers", (done) => {
-        series([
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.begin(cb);
-            },
-            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.executeQuery("DELETE FROM input_answer WHERE id=15 OR id=16;", callback);
-            },
-            (cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
-                dbhandler.commit(cb);
-            }
-        ], (err, results) => {
-            expect(results[0].command).to.be.equal("BEGIN");
-            expect(results[1].command).to.be.equal("DELETE");
-            expect(results[1].rowCount).to.be.equal(2);
-            expect(results[2].command).to.be.equal("COMMIT");
+    it("should read a non existent form", (done) => {
+        dbhandler.readForm(10, (err: Error, form: Form) => {
+            expect(err).to.not.equal(null);
+            expect(form).to.be.undefined;
+        });
+    });
+    it("should write form", (done) => {
+        let validation: Validation[];
+        validation = [{type: ValidationType.MANDATORY, arguments: []}];
+        let input = new Input (1, "Description 1", "Question 1", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        const inputs: Input[] = [];
+        inputs.push(input);
+        validation = [{type: ValidationType.MINCHAR, arguments: [5]}];
+        input = new Input (2, "Description 2", "Question 2", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        inputs.push(input);
+        const form = new Form("Form Title 1", "Form Description 1", inputs);
+        dbhandler.writeForm(form, (err: Error, formResult: Form) => {
+            expect(err).to.be.a("null");
+            expect(formResult.id).to.be.equal(4);
+            let inputId: number = 8;
+            for (input of formResult.inputs){
+                expect(input.id).to.be.equal(inputId);
+                inputId++;
+            }
+            done();
diff --git a/src/utils/dbHandler.ts b/src/utils/dbHandler.ts
index 366609b9eacd5d3d8704aea8bbe39bb2aad69e8c..52dc514c1c4edee119ee9b8f734578befeffb642 100644
--- a/src/utils/dbHandler.ts
+++ b/src/utils/dbHandler.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import { eachOfSeries, eachSeries , map, waterfall } from "async";
 import { Pool, PoolConfig, QueryResult } from "pg";
+import { Form } from "../core/form";
+import { Input, Validation } from "../core/input";
+import { EnumHandler, InputType, ValidationType } from "./enumHandler";
  * Class of the SGBD from the Form Creator Api perspective. Used to
@@ -45,13 +49,14 @@ export class DbHandler {
      * Asynchronously executes a query and get its result.
      * @param query - Query (SQL format) to be executed.
      * @param cb - Callback function which contains the data read.
-     * @param cb.error - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
      * @param cb.result - Query result.
     public executeQuery(query: string, cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void): void{
         this.pool.connect((err, client, done) => {
             if (err) {
@@ -71,6 +76,12 @@ export class DbHandler {
     public commit(cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void){
         this.executeQuery("COMMIT;", cb);
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously rollback a transaction
+     */
+    public rollback(cb: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void){
+        this.executeQuery("ROLLBACK;", cb);
+    }
      * Asynchronously starts a transaction
@@ -79,4 +90,340 @@ export class DbHandler {
         this.executeQuery("BEGIN;", cb);
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously executes a query and get a Form.
+     * @param id - Form identifier to be founded.
+     * @param cb - Callback function which contains the data read.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.form - Form or null if form not exists.
+     */
+    public readForm(id: number, cb: (err: Error, form?: Form) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "SELECT id, title, description FROM form WHERE id=" + id + ";";
+        waterfall([
+             (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+                 this.begin(callback);
+             },
+             (result: QueryResult, callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+                this.executeQuery(query, callback);
+             },
+             (result: QueryResult, callback: (err: Error, form?: Form) =>  void) => {
+                 if (result.rowCount !== 1){
+                     callback(new Error("Bad number of ids returned: found '" + result.rowCount + "' should be 1"));
+                     return;
+                 }
+                 this.readInputWithFormId(id, (error: Error, inputs: Input[]) => {
+                     const formTmp = new Form (
+                                     result.rows[0]["title"],
+                                     result.rows[0]["description"],
+                                     inputs,
+                                     result.rows[0]["id"]
+                                    );
+                     callback(error, formTmp);
+                 });
+             },
+             (form: Form, callback: (err: Error, form?: Form) =>  void) => {
+                 this.commit((error: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+                     callback(error, form);
+                 });
+             }
+         ], (err, result: Form) => {
+             if (err){
+                 this.rollback( (error: Error, results?: QueryResult) => {
+                     cb(err);
+                     return;
+                 });
+                 return;
+             }
+             cb(err, result);
+         });
+    }
+    /**
+     * A private method to asynchronously executes a query and get a list of Inputs.
+     * @param id - Form identifier which inputs are linked to.
+     * @param cb - Callback function which contains the data read.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.inputs - Input array or an empty list if there is no input linked to form.
+     */
+    private readInputWithFormId(id: number, cb: (err: Error, inputs?: Input[]) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "SELECT id, placement, input_type, question, description FROM input WHERE id_form=" + id + ";";
+        this.executeQuery(query, (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            map(result.rows, (innerResult, callback) => {
+                this.readInputValidationWithInputId(innerResult["id"], (error: Error, validation: Validation[]) => {
+                    const inputTmp = new Input (
+                                      innerResult["placement"],
+                                      innerResult["description"],
+                                      innerResult["question"],
+                                      EnumHandler.parseInputType(innerResult["input_type"]),
+                                      validation,
+                                      innerResult["id"]);
+                    callback(error, inputTmp);
+                });
+            }, (errors, inputs: Input[]) => {
+                if (errors){
+                    this.rollback( (error: Error, results?: QueryResult) => {
+                        cb(errors);
+                        return;
+                    });
+                    return;
+                }
+                const sortedInputs: Input[] = this.sortByPlacement(inputs);
+                cb(errors, sortedInputs);
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * A private method to asynchronously executes a query and get a list of Validations based on a Input id.
+     * @param id - Input identifier which validations are linked to.
+     * @param cb - Callback function which contains the data read.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.validations - Validation array or an empty list if there is no validation for selected input.
+     */
+    private readInputValidationWithInputId(id: number, cb: (err: Error, validations?: Validation[]) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "SELECT id, validation_type FROM input_validation WHERE id_input=" + id + ";";
+        this.executeQuery(query, (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            map(result.rows, (innerResult, callback) => {
+                this.readInputValidationArgumentWithInputValidationId(innerResult["id"], (error, argumentsArray) => {
+                    const validationTmp: Validation = {
+                        type:  EnumHandler.parseValidationType(innerResult["validation_type"]),
+                        arguments: argumentsArray
+                    };
+                    callback(error, validationTmp);
+                });
+            }, (errors, validation: Validation[]) => {
+                cb(errors, validation);
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * A private method to asynchronously executes a query and get a list of Validation Argument based on a Validation id.
+     * @param id - Validation identifier which Validation Arguments are linked to.
+     * @param cb - Callback function which contains the data read.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.argumentsArray - Validation Arguments array or an empty list if there is no validation argument for selected input.
+     */
+    private readInputValidationArgumentWithInputValidationId(id: number, cb: (err: Error, argumentsArray?: any[]) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "SELECT id, argument, placement FROM \
+                              input_validation_argument WHERE \
+                              id_input_validation=" + id + ";";
+        // cb(null);
+        this.executeQuery(query, (error: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            const sortedResult: any[] = this.sortByPlacement(result.rows);
+            const argumentArrayTmp = [];
+            for (const innerResult of sortedResult){
+                argumentArrayTmp.push(innerResult["argument"]);
+            }
+            cb(error, argumentArrayTmp);
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * A private method to return a array sorted by placement field
+     * I personally don't think that this method should be here, it is quite weird to have a sort method on database handler
+     * @param array - Array with objects that have placement field
+     * @returns - A sorted array by placement
+     */
+    private sortByPlacement(array: any[]): any[] {
+        const sortedArray: any[] = array.sort((obj1, obj2) => {
+            if (obj1["placement"] > obj2["placement"]) {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            if (obj1["placement"] < obj2["placement"]) {
+                return -1;
+            }
+            return 0;
+        });
+        return sortedArray;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously insert a form on Database and return it.
+     * @param form - Form to be inserted.
+     * @param cb - Callback function which contains the inserted data.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     * @param cb.formResult - Form or null if form any error occurs.
+     */
+    public writeForm(form: Form, cb: (err: Error, formResult?: Form) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "INSERT INTO form (title, description) VALUES\
+                              ( \'" + form.title + "\', \'" +
+                              form.description + "\' ) RETURNING id;";
+        waterfall([
+            (callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+                this.begin(callback);
+            },
+            (result: QueryResult, callback: (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) =>  void) => {
+               this.executeQuery(query, callback);
+            },
+            (result: QueryResult, callback: (err: Error, formId?: number) =>  void) => {
+                if (result.rowCount !== 1){
+                    callback(new Error("Form not inserted"));
+                    return;
+                }
+                eachSeries(form.inputs, (input: Input, innerCallback) => {
+                    this.writeInputWithFormId(result.rows[0]["id"], input, innerCallback);
+                }, (error) => {
+                    if (error){
+                        callback(error);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    callback(error, result.rows[0]["id"]);
+                });
+            },
+            (formId: number, callback: (err: Error, formId?: number) =>  void) => {
+                this.commit((error: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+                    callback(error, formId);
+                });
+            },
+            (formId: number, callback: (err: Error, formResult?: Form) =>  void) => {
+                this.readForm(formId, callback);
+            }
+        ], (err, result: Form) => {
+            if (err){
+                this.rollback( (error: Error, results?: QueryResult) => {
+                    cb(err);
+                    return;
+                });
+                return;
+            }
+            cb(err, result);
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously insert a form on Database and return it.
+     * @param formId - Form identifier to relate with Input.
+     * @param input - Input to be inserted.
+     * @param cb - Callback function.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     */
+    private writeInputWithFormId(formId: number, input: Input, cb: (err: Error) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "INSERT INTO input (\
+             id_form, placement, input_type, question, description)\
+             VALUES ( " + formId + ", " + input.placement +
+             ", \'" + EnumHandler.stringfyInputType(input.type) +
+             "\', \'" + input.question + "\', \'" + input.description +
+             "\' ) RETURNING id;";
+        this.executeQuery(query, (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+                    if (err){
+                        cb(err);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if (result.rowCount !== 1){
+                        cb(new Error("Input not Inserted"));
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    eachSeries(input.validation, (validation: Validation, callback) => {
+                        this.writeValidationWithInputId(result.rows[0]["id"], validation, callback);
+                    }, (error) => {
+                        cb(error);
+                    });
+                });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously insert a form on Database and return it.
+     * @param inputId - Input id to relate with Validation.
+     * @param validation - Validation to be inserted.
+     * @param cb - Callback function.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     */
+    private writeValidationWithInputId(inputId: number, validation: Validation, cb: (err: Error) =>  void){
+        const query: string = "INSERT INTO input_validation ( id_input, \
+                               validation_type) VALUES ( " + inputId + ", \'" +
+                               EnumHandler.stringfyValidationType(validation.type) +
+                               "\' ) RETURNING id;";
+        this.executeQuery(query, (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+            if (err){
+                cb(err);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (result.rowCount !== 1){
+                cb(new Error("Validation not Inserted"));
+                return;
+            }
+            eachOfSeries(validation.arguments, (argument, placement: number, callback) => {
+                this.writeValidationArgumentWithInputIdAndPlacement(result.rows[0]["id"], argument, placement, callback);
+            }, (error) => {
+                cb(error);
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Asynchronously insert a form on Database and return it.
+     * @param validationId - Validation identifier to relate with Argument.
+     * @param argument - Argument to be inserted.
+     * @param placement - placement where argument should be.
+     * @param cb - Callback function.
+     * @param cb.err - Error information when the method fails.
+     */
+     private writeValidationArgumentWithInputIdAndPlacement(validationId: number, argument: any, placement: number, cb: (err: Error) =>  void){
+         const query: string = "INSERT INTO input_validation_argument \
+                                ( id_input_validation, argument, placement )\
+                                VALUES (  \'" + validationId + "\', \'" +
+                                argument + "\', \'" + placement + "\' ) RETURNING id;";
+         this.executeQuery(query, (err: Error, result?: QueryResult) => {
+             if (err){
+                 cb(err);
+                 return;
+             }
+             if (result.rowCount !== 1){
+                 cb(new Error("Validation Argument not Inserted"));
+                 return;
+             }
+             cb(err);
+         });
+     }
diff --git a/src/utils/enumHandler.ts b/src/utils/enumHandler.ts
index 22cf1fcb4ca11d44d0a8bd3c2dfaeb9c975c8432..247325fa8e573f150977ad1fe697a94a1631e4e1 100644
--- a/src/utils/enumHandler.ts
+++ b/src/utils/enumHandler.ts
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export class EnumHandler {
      * @returns - Matching InputType
     public static parseInputType(str: string): InputType {
-        str = str.toLocaleLowerCase();
+        str = str.toLocaleLowerCase().trimLeft().trimRight();
         switch (str) {
             case "text":
                 return InputType.TEXT;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ export class EnumHandler {
      * @returns - Matching ValidationType
     public static parseValidationType(str: string): ValidationType {
-        str = str.toLocaleLowerCase();
+        str = str.toLocaleLowerCase().trimLeft().trimRight();
         switch (str) {
             case "mandatory":
                 return ValidationType.MANDATORY;
diff --git a/src/utils/validationHandler.spec.ts b/src/utils/validationHandler.spec.ts
index 3d3f3bf9a353397eecf7fb5a7a16cc72623c53ff..2e0da2d91f86fbcaf3f141366ab578913224faaf 100644
--- a/src/utils/validationHandler.spec.ts
+++ b/src/utils/validationHandler.spec.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import {ValidationHandler } from "./validationHandler";
 describe("Validation Handler", () => {
     it("should test when Input is mandatory", () => {
         const validation: Validation[] = [{type: ValidationType.MANDATORY, arguments: []}];
-        const input = new Input (1, "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        const input = new Input (1, "Description", "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "FOOL")).to.be.true;
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "")).to.be.false;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe("Validation Handler", () => {
     it("should test when Input has a regex", () => {
         const validation: Validation[] = [{type: ValidationType.REGEX, arguments: ["\\d{5}-\\d{3}"]}];
-        const input = new Input (1, "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        const input = new Input (1, "Description", "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "88888-888")).to.be.true;
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "88888-88")).to.be.false;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe("Validation Handler", () => {
     it("should test when Input has a minimum char number", () => {
         const validation: Validation[] = [{type: ValidationType.MINCHAR, arguments: [5]}];
-        const input = new Input (1, "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        const input = new Input (1, "Description", "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "12345")).to.be.true;
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "123456")).to.be.true;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe("Validation Handler", () => {
     it("should test when Input has a maximum char number", () => {
         const validation: Validation[] = [{type: ValidationType.MAXCHAR, arguments: [5]}];
-        const input = new Input (1, "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
+        const input = new Input (1, "Description", "Question", InputType.TEXT, validation);
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "1234")).to.be.true;
         expect(ValidationHandler.validateInput(input, "12345")).to.be.true;