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  • fix_pnad
  • idade_t1
  • ies_variables
  • master default protected
  • simcaq
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Jun11530May2928272286Feb24Jan1810Dec14May26Apr252423new pnad_contfix_pnadfix_pnadMerge branch 'idade_t1' into 'master'mastermaster[ies_variables]IES capitalies_variablesies_variables[ies_variables]Added paired and transformed[idade_t1]Added NU_IDADE_T1idade_t1idade_t1Merge branch 'simcaq' into 'master'Add cod_regiao/uf/municipio_ies to alunosimcaqsimcaqMerge branch 'equipes_saude' into 'master'add equipes_saude mapping protocol and table definitionAdd simcaq alteraçõesAdd LICENSEfix error in protocolUpdate table mapingsAdd UF case to spreadsheetadded fies mapping for 2017/2018Update mappins to add year 2017Update protocols and table definitionsAdd variable in 2015Add new data to the config scriptFix wrong text in logAdd primary keys and foreign keysMerge branch 'master' of new line in protocolChange prefix of some variablesAdd file that documents the keys for the databaseAdd protocolsUpdate READMEFirst Commit