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Created with Raphaël 2.2.016Dec3Sep26Aug22May27Mar1211Feb13Dec12943229Nov27117530Sep1613328Aug22209626Jul26Jun131276524May25Jan2220Dec1311330Nov23225125Oct229Aug2823May12Apr220Mar14132115Feb14217Jan21Dec19617Nov4119Oct14115Sep23Aug189432127Jul2230Jun29281615131May1813627Apr2620191813Added functionality for including validated sections (aproveitamento).mastermasterIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the files:In this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxIn this directory I changed the date format in the file show.jspxAdd configuration to support SSL on mvn tomcat:runChanged permissions for professors.Update on the students access permissions.Changes in the authorizations for professors.Changes in the authentication provider in order to deploy it.Imposed the use of HTTPS protocol (SSL/TLS)Removed the requirement of CPF's field inputAdded null verification to avoid NullPointerFixed bug: Typo on rule definitionRemoved option "Listar professores" to ProfessorsUpdated rules to fix some unwanted behaviorsAdded permission's control to modify transcriptsRestricted results to only professor's sectionposesRestricted menu options based on user authRemoved "change password" optionRestricted menu options based on user authFixed bug: Typo on rule definitionUpdated rules to fix bugsUnified Student/Professor ID getter in User ID getterUpdated rules to fix bugsFixed bug: Accessing method on null objectFixed bug: Typo on RequestParam value nameAdded restriction to dropdown menu optionsAdded permission control based on requested IDAdded methods to get logged-in user IDAdded restriction to dropdown menu optionsAdded restricion to dropdown menu optionsUpdated code (no significant changes)Updated permission rules to cover sub-pageshanged spring-security version from 3.0.5 to 3.1.4