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Luiz Vasconcellos's avatar
Luiz Vasconcellos authored
Minor adjustments

See merge request !7

Webservice PInSIS

Webservice that provide the data collected by agents of project PInSIS


  • Use npm install to install the dependencies of nodejs
  • postgres >=9.0 (not necessarily in the same computer)
    • Must be created a Database and User
  • npm >=5.7.1
  • nodejs >=v6.11.4


Install modules

npm install #Install node dependencies

Create the relatios

There is a detailed documentation in the directory db/ about how can be created/migrated the relations of the database

Create and alter the file of configuration to access database

cp config.js.example config.js
vim config.js
npm start #Execute the file ./src/server.js with default parameters 

The possible parameters to execute server.js are:

  • [-c, --config] alternative configuration file (default: config.js)
  • [-p, --port] port where the server will listen to
  • [--insecure] allows session cookies to be passed around in insecure connections
  • [--dev] force development mode
  • [-n, --num-workers] number of worker processes to spawn
  • [-d, --daemon] start the server as a daemon
  • [--pid-file] path for the pid file when running as a daemon

Possible errors

  • The main problems verified are relationed to the database connection. In case of errors, verify if is possible do the connection with database by psqlcommand (in the same user that is in configuration file).

  • Another commum case is to try execute the service in a port that another process is alredy executing. In this case a error similar to Error: bind EADDRINUSE null:3000 will be notified. In this case, try alter the port that the service is provided or stop the other process.