• Thiago H. S. Picharski's avatar
    First commmit of collect agent implementation · 3531eca7
    Thiago H. S. Picharski authored
        - README: where to get informations
        - AUTHORS: authors information
        - COPYING: copyright information
        - NEWS: new features and others news
        - TODO: features and others things to do
        - version: version of agent
        - agent.sh: controller script
        - collect.conf: config file
        - collect-data.sh: generate and compair the xml file
        - collect.log: storage all out stream of agent
        - load-config.sh: load and validate the collect.conf
        - net: directory of network monitor
        - scripts: directory of hardware and software inventory scripts
    Signed-off-by: default avatarThiago H. S. Picharski <thsp08@c3sl.ufpr.br>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJosiney de Souza <jos04@c3sl.ufpr.br>