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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Jun17151311943230May2928272422211918171615108729Apr9220MarSorting and printing order changedmastermasterEverything works! Transmission fixed, missing functions implemented and uart.c code refactored to use these functionsInsertion sort and convertion from integer to charTransmission workingTransmission finally working! \o/transmissiontransmissionTransmission almost complete. It works, but still has some problemsTransmission kind of working (on a very weird way)Put sign on converted hexadecimalsctoi() implemented: character to integerTransmission and reception working :)Changed from lw/sw to lbu/sb the character read/write in handlerUARTFixed access to Ud on handlerUART.s and initialized Ud variables on uart.cFixed push on rx_queue and pull on tx_queue (addresses were not taking head and tail in account). Also rearrenged handler code since the inclusion of a new register was needed.Trying to write first character directly on UART to generate first interruptionChange of rx_tl and tx_hd now circular and verification for full rx_queue implementedComments in englishTransmission done (?) in handlerUART.sImplementadas funções proberx e probetxImplementada parte de recepção do handler (incompleto)Modificado de acordo com o novo commit no cMIPS do professorfaster memory interfaceUART code with Tstatus plus better TLB init mappingsUART data structure UdAdicionada funções getc e putc (uart_putc)Adicionado UartControlAdicionado arquivo em C p/ testar a UART e adicionada a parte de leitura de dados no handlerResolvido conflitos do merge com o cMIPS do Robertofixes to trap handlingcompiled with Quartus, timing is no goodadded TLB diagram to cMIPS.pdfnew fixes to UART experimentstwo fixes to UART experimentsAdicionado arquivo handlerUART.sadjusted gtkwave config files for UART experimentsdocs up to datefixes to overflow detectionmore TLB testsTLB operatingupdated READMETLB operating